Divine Feminine Retreat

Conscious Calling
Conscious Calling
Published in
4 min readOct 31, 2016

I have just returned from what has to be one of the juiciest, love filled weekends of my life.
For a long time now women that I work with have asked me to organise a retreat. This year finally saw this come to fruition.

Twenty Divine Goddesses got to be completely free and fill their cups to overflowing!

Amongst the many activities we had a Grandmothers empowerment ceremony (see Sharon McErlanes’ facebook page and the movement of the Grandmothers Speak) https://www.facebook.com/grandmothers.speak where we invited the Garndmothers energy to come and assist us throughout the weekend, to weave their web of light to hold us in their unconditional love and attuned everyone to this energy.

The Saturday was jam packed with Yin Yumminess. Startin goff with Wake up like a Goddess Yoga using my unique Yoga teaching style of Yoga asanas, energy work, breathing, visualisation, aromatherapy, massage and sound healing.

We were then treated to a showcase from the hugely talented Alexandra Worsley from Flow and Grow https://www.facebook.com/FlowandGrowUK/?fref=ts who got us all to visualise and strongly call in our dream lives with our highest selves, leaving us with many tools to keep creating once home.

We were so lucky with the weather and crafted Goddess head dresses in the Autumn sunshine.

Next was a hugely powerful Cacao ceremony with a womb healing drum journey, card readings, circle sharing and sound healing. From our open hearted spaces (thanks to Ixcacao- beautiful plant medicine) we made a Despacho offering to the land where we placed our prayers with breath and offerings from the land. After wrapping our bundle we smudged the group with this sacred object and walked onto the bridge over the river where after another prayer we dropped it into the flowing waters (singing the earth chant ‘The river is flowing). This sacred water that flows from the mountains above is flowing over our prayers, taking them to the lake at the end and eventually the sea (which if course is linked to all bodies of water on Gaia).

Singing, drumming & hot tubs were had in the night, with a shooting star or two.

Sunday saw the gift of Jayne McAllister who runs the Red Tent in Widnes, https://www.facebook.com/groups/1391417194454016/ offering a menarche ceremony. Once upon a time when a girl began her first moon blood there would be a ritual, a rite of passage to celebrate the girl becoming a woman. Most of us women in the West were not lucky enough to have this so Jayne gave us all this precious opportunity to not only honour our female ancestry and lineage but to walk over this threshold and claim our womanhood.


After our last meal together (thanks to the Goddess for providing us with the most nutritious, seasonal cooked with love food by Nicola who works and lives at Cae Mabon) we did a closing ceremony. Here we held hands in circle and sent prayers of love, peace, healing and light out into the local area, country, Great Britain, Europe and spreading across the Globe until we covered the world in a net of light.

Now I feel like I need at least a week to integrate the true profound healing journey that happened for each of us- just by showing up- being real,raw and ready for transformation. We shared love,laughter, tears, joy, pain, truth, open-heartedness, prayers, gratitude, empowerment, acceptance and connection.

In infinite gratitude for this opportunity… Now to plan next years ; )


