New Year New You

Conscious Calling
Conscious Calling
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2016

Welcome to 2016!

I have a feeling deep in my soul this is going to be my best year yet and truly wish it is so for each of you too.

Already this year I’ve been blessed to offer guidance to five different groups on setting their intentions for the new year and dreaming in their hearts desires.

Here is an exercise that you can do at home.

Bringing in your BEST YEAR YET

Create a sacred space:

This may be as simple as lighting a candle with the intent of illuminating your dreams. You may wish to gather a few objects that make you feel happy. Maybe some flowers. If you have incense this can help to create a warm atmosphere. Let yourself get creative and make a nourishing space.


Take some deep full breaths and either use a guided meditation or just take a moment to actively relax every part of your body, mind and heart. Going inward to try and find some stillness. Below is a guided meditation I have recorded to open the heart.

When we act from the heart our truest intentions and flow can be found.


Next sit down with your journal (and probably a cup of tea is a good idea).

Begin to write these questions down. As you do go straight into writing the answers- automatic writing without allowing the logical brain to get too involved so it flows from your stream of consciousness.

These tracking questions will help you see what you’re ready to release from 2015:

What does not serve you anymore?

What are you ready to let go of?

What makes you unhappy?

What makes you happy?

What duties are you doing that always make you feel heavy/ feel like a chore?

What have I learnt this year?

Once you’ve answered these questions either taking a break or going straight into your tracking questions for what you want to dream in:

What do you want to create?

What gifts do you have to unleash onto the world?

What in you is calling to be opened?

What is calling to be strengthened

What is calling to be integrated?

When you’ve done your writing put your book down and again start to relax in a comfortable position.

When you feel centred start to focus on breathing deep into the heart. Find the root/ sit bones and imagine a cord of light growing out of this space and slowly take this cord all the way down into the centre of the Earth. When you reach this place feel what it is like. At this point you can visualise releasing anything you’re ready to let go of from 2015 or the past- effortlessly letting it go into the core of the planet.

Now find some gratitude for all the Earth gives us. Our food, shelter, water and air to breathe.

After offering this prayer of gratitude visualise a colour at the centre and begin to breathe that colour all the way up from the core deep into your own centre- your heart. Allow the colour to expand, open, soften and radiate through your heart. You are breathing in nourishing, nurturing, fertile, unconditional love in the form of energy. Spend some time here.

After releasing imagine all the things you wish to create in 2016, with each idea plant a seed deep into your heart. Next, find the top of the head, the crown and connect a cord of light all the way up into the centre of the sun. Breathe the golden sunlight down, around and through your body. Allow the golden rays of the sun to penetrate the seeds in your heart- activating them.

Finally bring to mind a pure water source (lake, river, stream, waterfall) and fill a vessel up with this water- pouring it over your heart. Now your seeds are ready with the fertile soil, open loving heart, sunlight and water.

To ground this into 3D it might be ncie to draw a picture and/or some words that sum up your experience- using colours helps to add the feminnie shakti energy for you to keep.

Good Luck & Happy Manifesting.


