Reiki Attunements

Conscious Calling
Conscious Calling
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2016

After a weekend of training and attuning five very special women to their Reiki level 2 I feel super blessed.

It’s such a joy to be doing what I love- offering this ancient profound knowledge.

I know it will change their lives then go on and effect all the people in their circles in such a positive way as they continue their Reiki journey and begin practicing.

Before a weekend training course I start setting the energy at least the Monday before.

I will create a crystal grid and be meditating asking for assistance to be held in pure love and light as we all go through the adventure.

Coming up to the weekend, obviously making sure I have all I need in place, I will start a communion with the nature that also supports this sacred process.

Where I currently give attunements is under a beautiful wise old willow tree so I will make offerings to the tree, asking that it blesses us with its abundant knowledge.

When the students arrive we smudge each other with white sage in order to start from a fresh energetic state.

From there we open sacred space, offering prayers to the seven directions.

The weekend was thoroughly enjoyed by all with some already profound shifts in some of the women and their abilities to channel this divine energy through their hands.

I felt honoured that these women chose me to continue this journey with and humbly ask Great Spirit to continue to guide them and me on our journeys.

Pictures of the Altar

