Spring Equinox

Conscious Calling
Conscious Calling
Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2016

Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox is a time of awakening, when we reach the balance between night and day and Nature begins stirring once more. Our creativity and intuition increases over this period so we can be clear on the direction we are heading.

On 21st March we reach Spring Equinox, the cross-quarter point that heralds Springtime and the balance of night and day. We celebrate Oestre, the goddess of fertility, her name is the root of the word Oestrogen, the hormone that stimulates ovulation and female fertility. It is also interesting to note that the Christian festival of Easter (another derivative of Oestre) and its symbols, the Easter Bunny and the Easter egg, evolved from this ancient Pagan festival.

This is the time of balance when day and night reach equal length before the light lengthens and the darkness lessens. In Pagan times it was believed that this was the time when the young Sun God is married in sacred union with the Maiden Goddess, who conceives, and in nine months will give birth to the new cycle of light and dark at the Winter Solstice. To honour this important occasion young maidens were taken to the fields to make love, utilizing the fertile energy, and setting an example for nature to follow.

Make time to enjoy the gifts of nature. Breathe in the breath-taking blossom and feel the warm spring sun on your face. The life-force of the planet is awakening and all of nature, including us, are beginning to feel the first stirrings of abundance and vitality.

As we move toward Equinox we are reminded to find our balance and hold steady. Remember who you are, stay in your heart and find that place of stillness within so that you can move forward and greet what comes your way with calm and compassion.

Information taken from the incredibly brilliant and prophetic Rebekah Shamans’ Lunascope


This is a great time to set intentions for the year to come. If there’s something that you want that you don’t currently have in your life, ask for it!

To start manifesting what it is you desire I suggest taking stock of your life and recognising all the blessings you already have.

After listing the things you are grateful for, try to actually feel this gratitude. Let it fill your heart and give you a warm, fuzzy feeling. You could, at this point, focus on something or someone that you love to help fill your heart. By practising gratitude we send signals into the Universe that by the Law of Attraction mean we’re going to attract good things back.

Now, get a piece of paper and write your name in the middle to make a spider diagram. You’re going to write all the things you would like in your life, that you don’t currently have, around your name. For example, a new car, more money, dream career, perfect partner, better relationships etc. Put as many down as you want.

Trust that the Universe will assist you in gaining what you desire, add as much energy to the intention (for example drawing a picture, vision board, meditate upon it) then BELIEVE and let it go, surrendering it to the greatest good.

“And Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth’s dark breast
rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.”
— Percy Bysshe Shelley


