Stress and Spirituality

Conscious Calling
Conscious Calling
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2014

People often say that moving house is one of the most stressful times in ones life.
As usual I thought ‘how hard can this be?’ and ‘it’s not going to stress me out’.
Yes the move went smoothly and I am thankful for that, however, I was wrong and the stress fully got to me!

It started me thinking about spirituality and stress. It is very easy to stay focused in life from a balanced place when everything is relatively easy.
Before now I hadn’t had commitments and concerns that many others do; such as a mortgage or children.
The real test for staying centred in your beliefs and morals I feel comes from stressful times.
How you deal with loved ones at these times. For example, are you able to keep calm or do you take it out on others around you?
Whether you cave in and turn to a crutch to support you (such as an old pattern or habit).
Do your routines such as a daily meditation or yoga practice get forgot about when the shit hits the fan?

For me I realised how much I have to learn about myself and how staying conscious requires constant effort.

I am looking forward to my patience (something I have always needed to work on) being tested and seeing how alert I can be to my reactions. In fact I have a new mantra ‘I respond to life’ instead of react.
Things inevitably will not always go as planned and certainly not at my pace (especially if these trades people are anything to go by ; ) but instead I will take my lessons and turn them into something better, something that helps me grow. I will learn to deal with what life throws at me, not moan, take it on the chin and be grateful to the Universe for my lessons.


