Who Should Read This Blog?

Carl-Arvid Ewerbring
Published in
1 min readJul 1, 2018

The information here is written in order to increase chance of success of long-term financial goals if some of your money in crypto currency is for capital return.

This blog presents information about capital allocation in crypto currencies to retail (non-professional) investors . If you believe in the space enough to have decided to put financial resources into it, we offer conservative knowledge from stock investing and apply it to crypto currencies. We choose risk-averse options where possible.

Peter L. Bernstein, Buffet writes about Bogle On Mutual Funds, one of the three books this information is based upon

This book sets an ultimate benchmark for all how-to-invest books. I would choose it even over Benjamin Graham’s The Intelligent Investor. Everyone who reads it — from the hard-bitten professional to the wide-eyed amateur — will one day be richer than they would have been if they had never read it. (Bogle, ix)

The other two books are the Intelligent Investor and A Random Walk Down Wall Street. This blog combines info from all of them and looks at the crypto currency market from their perspective. Our hope is that any person who read this blog will one day be richer than they would have been if they had never read it.

