About Consciously Unbiased

Consciously Unbiased
Consciously Unbiased
1 min readJul 30, 2020

Consciously Unbiased is a movement to build a world of greater belonging, one story at a time, by amplifying voices that have been muted for too long. We create change inside organizations through our virtual and on-site interactive workshops. In order to spark awareness, education and behavior change, our experiential sessions connect the heart and mind to pave the way for the real work that needs to be done in a judgement-free zone to build true belonging.

We are passionate about amplifying the voices of people of color and are also committed to donating all proceeds from our shirts and other merchandise to various charities that also promote diversity in the workforce and champion anti-racism. Join the movement and find out more about our Conscious Conversation sessions at ConsciouslyUnbiased.com.



Consciously Unbiased
Consciously Unbiased

Let’s tap into the power of the people to bring about change.