The Power of Conscious Existing — Why Being Conscious Is The Greatest Gift of Humanity

The Types of Consciousness

Marco De Luca
Consciousness Expanded
6 min readMar 22, 2024


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Consciousness is the debate of the modern world; every scientist wants to know its origin; is it the brain, the heart, or perhaps information?

Generally, consciousness is known as the lens through which we experience the world, the essence that separates us from the mundane and elevates us to the extraordinary. The power of conscious existence is arguably the greatest gift bestowed upon humanity, shaping our perceptions, driving our actions, and forging the path of our collective journey.

In my long research to find the answer to this question, I have developed a system for recognizing consciousness and perhaps my definition for it is different from mainstream common wisdom that all humans are conscious.

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I define consciousness as acute self awareness of one’s behaviors, future, and habits. Most people living today are not conscious or have limited amounts of consciousness. They are completely swayed by their impulses and emotions, going from one impulsive decision to another without any actual vision for the future. Or perhaps their ambitions and curiosity doesn’t match mine and of those who I usually associate with being highly conscious.

I have separated consciousness into three categories, and having one doesn’t necessarily mean having the others. In fact most people only have one or two at max :-

1. Emotional Consciousness

The awareness of one’s own emotions and the ability to sense what others are feeling or what a certain action would make others feel. Emotional intelligence is rare and to find someone that can actually sift through their emotions and know exactly why they are doing what they are doing or they know exactly why others are behaving in a certain way.

This is the first type of consciousness, people who are able to connect with others emotionally and understand their feelings. These people usually have the best relationships with others and are loved by a high percentage of them.

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2. Habitual Consciousness

The awareness of how one’s actions shape the future. Basically, everything that happens to us is a result of our actions in one way or another. There are things that we can’t control, but there are more things that we can.

Habitually conscious people have great habits that foster their success, including efficient methods for learning, high curiosity, and an ability to see a future for themselves in their fields.

To me, it’s the hardest type of consciousness, as it requires the person to stop overthinking and start executing, transferring whatever genius they have into a tangible real-life result.

Perhaps how hard it is is relative; that’s to say, for me it’s the one that I struggle with the most. I’m glad though that I’m improving.

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3. Religious Consciousness

It is within my beliefs that anyone who considers himself conscious should question his existence and the existence of the universe. No matter the route to the final conclusion and no matter what he decides to do with it, he should arrive at the idea that there’s no religion and that it is a human construct.

Whether he remains religious, changes to being agnostic, or else is not important. The awareness of the reality of our universe is enough to earn him this type of consciousness. There are really no limits imposed on humans by God and using him to explain phenomena is a backwards mentality that merges with superstition.

If you are not yet comfortable with your own mortality, this consciousness will be the hardest to earn.

I remember in my case it took me months of questioning, withdrawal, and depression to come out with new ideas that give me a purpose to live and exist.

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4. Overall Management Consciousness

This is the root of everything, the ultimate form of consciousness. It’s the inherent belief in one’s own ability to be aware of his own situation no matter how bad the situation is. The ability to immediately change one’s position, be convinced by science, or change one’s mind without the influence of ego, past experiences, or emotions.

In the heart of every conscious thought that I had and no matter what depression era I entered, I always had the belief that my consciousness would save me at one point. That one day, I’ll wake up and make the right decisions to fix my own situation and guide myself into great wealth, happiness, and fulfillment.

It’s the ability to think beyond one’s current situation and dream of a bright future in the most hopeless situations. There’s nothing impossible and the potential of our consciousness is limitless.

There’s always a way to achieve the things you want in life, even if those things are massive. One great example of this type of consciousness is Elon Musk who is currently leading humanity into a great era of discovery, with both Neuralink and SpaceX.

Management Consciousness People are the leaders of the future and they are the ones that’ll lead humanity into becoming a more developed civilization.

In our world today, there are very few people who have more than one gift of consciousness at the same time. In the best case scenarios, they’ll be people who are destined to change the world. If you ever aspire to become one of them, then develop yourself and slowly you’ll be reaching new heights of consciousness. If you ever meet one of them, then perhaps try to become his friend because trust me, there are not many people out there who have these mindsets and you might think that they are aplenty, but as you go through life, you notice that they are actually really really rare. I met 3 people in my life who are like that, and 3 of them are my best friends.


In the vastness of the cosmos, the gift of consciousness stands as a beacon of light, a miracle of the universe that experiences itself. It is the driving force behind our creativity, moral compass, and the relentless pursuit of meaning. The power of conscious existence is the flame that ignites our journey through life, a journey that is both extraordinary and uniquely human. By embracing the profound depth of our consciousness, we unlock the potential to shape a world filled with purpose, creativity, and boundless possibilities.

I’m Marco De Luca, born and raised in the bustling streets of Naples, where the echoes of history whisper through every cobblestone. As a sculptor, I chisel away at marble, capturing the essence of Italy’s rich cultural tapestry in every stroke.

But beyond the cool touch of stone, I find warmth in the dance of words across paper. Writing is my sanctuary, a place where imagination knows no bounds. In the quiet hours of the night, I pen tales of love and loss, weaving narratives that mirror the complexities of life. Each word is a brushstroke, painting vivid landscapes of emotion and thought.

Through both sculpting and writing, I seek to leave behind a legacy that resonates with the hearts of those who encounter my work, a testament to the enduring beauty of the human spirit.



Marco De Luca
Consciousness Expanded

Born and raised in Naples. Sculptor by trade, I find solace in writing, expressing my unworldly thoughts and dreams through words