Consensus AI: Quarterly update, March 2018

Greetings from the Consensus Team!

Oleg Gutsol
Consensus AI
4 min readMar 11, 2018


The last several weeks were very exciting for Consensus AI project. We would like to recap some of the events that happened in the beginning of 2018 and share our recent developments and plans for the near future.


On January 24, 2018 Consensus held a World Citizen Airdrop for our community/early supporters with 20 million SEN tokens allocated to people from 186 countries. The Airdrop was completed in one day and resulted in:

  • Approximately 20K of new members in the Consensus AI Telegram group
  • 31K new Twitter subscribers
  • 56K early adopters joining Consensus mailing list.

SEN tokens are now held in the Genesis accounts on the Mothership platform to be distributed to the users who indicated their Ethereum wallet addresses. The distribution will be done at the end of March 2018. If you haven’t saved your Ethereum wallet address in your Genesis account, please do so before March 25, 2018 at


Since January 2018 website had over 125.000 visitors with the following geographical split:

  • 37% — from Europe
  • 34% from Asia
  • 22% from Americas
  • 7% from other regions


In addition to our presence in Europe with operations in Estonia, we are taking advantage of the engineering talent pool and the strong startup community connections in Canada and have negotiated the office space in Toronto, available mid-April. We are actively growing the development team and are looking for exceptional top-tier experts in the fields of AI, data analysis and blockchain. Following the recent acquisition of Oleg’s previous company, 500px there are several exceptional software engineers who expressed interest in joining the Consensus AI project, and with this additional talent we will be able to accelerate the network development and launch on schedule or earlier.

Here are the open positions we are hiring for at the moment:

  • Full Stack Engineer
  • Blockchain Specialist
  • Principal Software Architect
  • Front-End Developer
  • UX/UI Designer

Below are some of the Consensus AI team at work:

Julia Ivanova, the growth and marketing director at Consensus
Architecture discussion with George Bordianu

Sunil Sharma joins Consensus AI advisory board

We are happy to announce that Sunil Sharma, the Managing Director of Techstars Toronto, joined Consensus AI as an advisor. Sunil is a veteran of the tech and venture capital industry in Canada, who previously ran Extreme Ventures Accelerator and Founder Institute in Toronto, and currently sits on a number of industry boards. He is also the Chair of the Board of Canada’s Accelerator and Business Incubator Association which administers the Startup Visa program to fast-track the immigration of founders to Canada. Earlier in his career Sunil served as a Head of Consulate at Canada’s diplomatic mission in San Diego and Chief of Strategy at Canadian Intellectual Property Office. Sunil has also worked at the Canadian Space Agency and represented Canada at the United Nations in Geneva.

We are honoured to have Sunil in our team as an advisor. His background in both technology startups and government sector, and his perspective and industry insight are very helpful for our project.

The New Era in Digital Identification Event

In February, Oleg spoke at The New Era in Digital Identification Event in Tallinn hosted by Mothership (notes from this event) where Consensus AI, e-Residency, Veriff and Change Bank participated. The upcoming video of the Consensus presentation from the event will be shared with the community in the nearest future.

Other News

To foster the community discussions, we are publishing a series of articles on Consensus technology and governance applications:

Consensus Platform Overview
Trends in Electronic IDs and eIDs Integration with Consensus AI Network
Case Study: Public Traffic Controls in Toronto

For any additional information and to stay up to date with the project, please follow us on:

Twitter: @consensus_ai
and sign up on the mailing list on

— Oleg.



Oleg Gutsol
Consensus AI

Founder of @Consensus_AI, @500px. Former Head of Global Growth at E-Residency. Entrepreneur, software dev, angel investor. Also: triathlon, yoga.