Consensus Update #10 — Mainnet SEN Listed on CoinBene Plus Update on the Pilot Project

Leigh Diprose
Consensus AI
Published in
4 min readAug 7, 2019

The Pilot Project in the City of South Burlington is currently halfway complete and is proving to be a unique insight into what over 650 people think about South Burlington.

Since the launch, our team continue to communicate with officials to obtain feedback during South Burlington City Council meetings. In fact, we have an upcoming trip in mid-August to learn more about developments. From all the feedback, Consensus’s five developers continue to build, fix bugs and trial new integrations — all to create a better commercial product.

The Consensus App launched with eight active questions and had an open for responses time of twenty days. So far what we have seen from citizens is interesting, but before we go into the details, let’s explain the app itself.

The app is made up of two main parts. The first is the Government portal where a team procure the questions for citizens, and the second is the citizen-facing app where people can download the app and answer questions. To give you an idea of what the Government portal looks like take a look at the screenshot below. You can see 195 citizens have cast their vote, with 81.54% pledging their support for additional funds for paving.

Here’s another question which relates to traffic disruption. Over 200 people cast their vote with 54.24% saying there was no inconvenience for them.

As you can imagine, while these questions are quite basic, the City Council has a unique opportunity to formulate their questions. By doing so, the votes aim to improve the speed at which government decision making occurs. Now we have a working system, for us, the next crucial stage in the pilot project revolves around verification.

For our team and governments around the world, it is crucial to only seek votes from verified citizens. In a report to South Burlington City Council we wrote:

“We have moved the verification with ID further back into the app. This allows anyone to download and answer questions without anyone having to take a picture of their licence. We do ask for the information again later, but we do not restrict access at this point”.

While we understand this isn’t the best method, our planned approach gave us the time to work on other elements within the app before tackling the task of verification. As Kevin Dorn, Chief Executive Officer of the City Council said at a recent meeting:

It seems at some point people are reluctant to take a picture of their drivers licence for the verification. So, we’ve been advocating that they consider a utility bill or something of that nature.

We also think this might be a good idea to help verify users in each jurisdiction. Ideally, we are currently exploring and procuring an approach of verification, which is inhouse, where we control the data. Otherwise, outside voters could potentially overrun the swing of the vote in a specific region. We don’t want that. Which is why our team are now dedicating time to work on verification in the second half of the pilot project to ensure we get it right.

Ongoing Marketing of the Consensus App

Also, to help with awareness and Consensus App downloads, we continue to advertise weekly in a South Burlington Paper and daily in the Front Porch Forum. Starting soon, we are also planning a Facebook campaign with the video below to help target citizens residing in the City of South Burlington. App downloads will be the main focus of this drive, now that we are entering into the second half of the pilot project.

Mainnet SEN Listed on CoinBene

As you would have read in our previous update, we listed Mainnet SEN on CoinBene! The response from the Consensus Telegram community was extremely positive. Now everyone has the opportunity to buy SEN and liquidate SEN for use on the network.

Listing on CoinBene, as a first launch partner for the Sentient Network mainnet token — the Sentient Coin, that is replacing the Consensus ERC20 token, is a critical first step in making the SEN token available to governments and the global cryptocurrency community.

With that in mind, our focus to create additional opportunities won’t stop here. Continuing to add additional exchange listings that will make SEN more easily accessible continues to be top priority focus for our team as Dustin Plett, Chief Strategy Officer, Consensus explains:

This is the first in a number of listings we’ll be announcing over the coming months, we are continuing to work with quality partners around the world to ensure access to SEN in all markets.

Upcoming Developments

  • Getting DLP ready for mainnet.
  • Aiming for open sourcing Sentient Network in early Q4.
  • Adding voting to the main net. South Burlington is running on a side chain (currently under development and adding to the main chain happening later this year).
  • Growth of the Consensus team (data science).

Now that you are all up to date with Consensus, we encourage you to follow our official announcement channels on Telegram and Blockfolio Signals.

