Consensus Update #5 — The Consensus App

Leigh Diprose
Consensus AI
Published in
6 min readMay 9, 2019

What a month it has been. After announcing our pilot project in the state of Vermont, USA, the team has been working overtime to get ready for another significant milestone — the release of our official app — Consensus.

The Consensus app and corresponding government dashboard is designed to allow for rapid exchange of information between a governing entity and citizens to accelerate decision making.

Utilizing blockchain Consensus opens a gateway for communication through secure, verified feedback. With citizen onboarding planned to begin in June 2019, the City of South Burlington, Vermont will be the first jurisdiction to provide secure polling for real-time government feedback.

There are two events planned. The first happening on May 14th, where our team will unveil the application to South Burlington City Manager Kevin Dorn and South Burlington city counsel. Then on June 3rd we will begin to push the South Burlington created polls and tracking studies to the citizens of South Burlington. Both events will have State of Vermont government officials on hand to give their blessing to the Consensus platform that promotes better citizen representation while ensuring citizen protection.

Citizens can download the Consensus app for both Apple and Android devices using iTunes and Google Play store. To give you an idea of what the Consensus app will look like, check out some of the template screenshots below.

The technology components of the Consensus platform surround four key areas; mobile application, government portal, blockchain and artificial intelligence.

Mobile Application:

Used for citizens to submit data, this app is primarily built to confirm identity, obscure that identity so that the city is confident in it’s respondents without revealing the actual person, collecting data as either polls or tracking from the citizens, and to present findings on any given topic.

Government Portal

The web application will allow for the management of the data collection through the pushing of notifications for new data requests from citizens, publish research and other supporting documents to the mobile clients, and present data visualizations and reports to government team members.


Consensus’ proprietary blockchain network–Sentient network, will be used to gather data securely. The Sentient blockchain allows Consensus to record data in a transparent public ledger that cannot be altered while ensuring the privacy of the person submitting the data. The data collected through sentiment surveys will be collected and encrypted using a proprietary proof of work algorithm. This process will anonymize the data while still being able to incentivize the end users.

Artificial Intelligence

While the role of true artificial intelligence will be limited in this pilot given its timeline and scope, Consensus does hope to employ predictive analysis of data as well as cohort segmentation, and if time permits, apply machine learning to citizen feedback overlaid with open data sources.

More details about the app are due for release in future updates.

New Consensus Office in Toronto

We are delighted to announce a new office location for the Consensus team in Toronto. Located along the central waterfront at 201–56 The Esplanade, Toronto, ON, the new premises will provide a better space to host clients and the expanding team in the near future.

Blockfolio Signal Listing

Have you heard of Blockfolio?

If you haven’t, we encourage you to download the Blockfolio app here and follow our signals channel to hear about our important updates. The Blockfolio community is massive and is an excellent opportunity to spread our communication to a broader audience. Plus in the future, Blockfolio will be a useful place to track your SEN holdings.

Sentient Mining Update

Over the last month, the Sentient desktop miner required maintenance as the team fixed a persistent bug. While there was discussion about the downtime in our Telegram Community, we wanted to thank everyone for their patience. We will continue to monitor the situation, so if you haven’t downloaded the Sentient Wallet on your desktop computer yet, we encourage you to do so. You can find further information about the miner here.

We Are Planning a Live Q&A!

Our team will be conducting a Consensus Q&A session, and everyone is welcome to ask us a question! We would love to hear from our community about any burning questions you may have (excluding listing on an exchange as this is planned for 2019).

To ask a question before the live stream begins click here. Otherwise, there will be an opportunity to ask your questions live during the Q&A however we could miss your question so ensure you send it to us before we are live in the second half of June.

To receive notification of when the Q&A will start join our official Telegram announcement channel here.

Conference Attendance

e-Governance Conference, Tallinn, Estonia

Meet With Consensus in Estonia at the e-Governance Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

On May 21–22nd 2019, Consensus will be in Tallinn, Estonia to meet with government decision-makers and strategists from around the world implementing national e-Governance strategies.

At the conference Consensus will unveil and demo the Consensus platform for the first time. The Consensus platform will be deployed in the state of Vermont, USA, in early June, but attendees can see how it works before the launch at the Consensus booth in the expo area. The Consensus eParticipation platform connects citizens with governments using our novel blockchain technology that ensures privacy and security while verifying every user to accelerate decision making at all levels of government.

Dustin Plett, Chief Strategy Officer, will be on hand to answer any questions. Book your appointment with Dustin ( to ensure your team gets to see the future of government, today.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission — FinTech Forum

Hosted by the SEC’s Strategic Hub for Innovation and Financial Technology (FinHub), Dustin Plett from Consensus will attend the Washington DC based event on May 31st. During the full day event, a series of four panels will discuss distributed ledger technology and digital assets so it will be a welcome forum for Consensus. To see the full list of panelists and agenda for the day click here.

Consensus is taking a proactive approach to security regulation. We are engaging with the regulators to ensure the ecosystem around digital assets have the best chance of success. We are proud to be a voice for the industry as we work to forge a path towards a framework that works for the many projects like Consensus.

Achieved Since Our Last Update:

  • Pilot projects aiming for launch in June.

On the Radar for Consensus AI

  • Building the Consensus mobile app to allow citizens to interact with governments.
  • Focusing on both iOS and Android builds for the Consensus app.
  • Live Q&A Session (second half of June 2019).
  • Planning on releasing the mining pool software and documentation for third parties to allow the external pool operators to add to SEN to their existing multi-coin pools.
  • Growth of the Consensus team (data science).
  • Exchange listing in 2019.

Now that you are all up to date with Consensus, we encourage you to follow our official announcement channels on Telegram and Blockfolio Signals.

