May 2018 — Consensus AI Community Update

Yulia Ivanova
Consensus AI
Published in
4 min readJun 8, 2018

Greetings to our community!

Our most important update is that the Sentient network launch is approaching, coming this month, in line with our updated schedule (originally planned for the Q4 2018). This is going to be a busy month for Consensus, so stay tuned for further announcements.

In the meantime, here are our updates from May 2018 and the project’s current status.

Sentient Network Development

Our technical team worked around the clock to deliver the first version of the network. Thousands of lines of code later, we have the initial version of the Sentient network that we’ve been running successfully for over two weeks now on our internal infrastructure with several miners — no hiccups or unexpected failures to report.

The native wallet client has also been at the top of the priority list for the initial release. Following some internal discussions, we decided to expand the initial scope and drop the originally planned HTML browser-based wallet in favour of the native wallets built for macOS, Linux and Windows. While this requires more work, we believe this is a better decision which gives us a solid foundation to build on after the launch.

Below are a few screenshots of the native Sentient wallet to give you a sneak peek of what’s to come:

Additionally, we are working on GPU mining software. Our technical team aims to get it released in time for the Sentient network launch this month.

Consensus AI Platform for Airdrop Accounts

We have completed the migration of airdrop accounts to our own web-based platform. At the moment, we are finalizing its development and testing. Once the platform is live in a couple of weeks, all airdrop participants will receive an email with instructions on how to claim their airdrop SEN.

For community members who bought ERC20 SEN tokens on the decentralized exchanges, the platform will also feature a solution to swap ERC20 tokens for native SEN coins. We will release the detailed instructions on this swap process when the platform goes live later this month.

Tallinn e-Governance Conference 2018

At the end of May, the Consensus AI team took part in the Tallinn e-Governance Conference 2018, which gathered public officials, leading e-governance experts and civil society groups in Tallinn on May 29-30.

Among the conference participants were Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid, Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sven Mikser, Saint Lucian Prime Minister Allen Chastanet and many others.

One of the conference’s key topics was how governments must design governance models to meet the needs of a transforming society, where the internet allows people’s lives to transcend national borders regardless of their physical location. Also, it was discussed how the new service provision models should be elaborated with the active involvement of citizens.

As this is in line with our project’s goals — enhancing government systems with AI and blockchain technology to allow citizens to influence the decisions made in their city and country — this conference was a great opportunity for our team to get meet with some of the officials in person and establish connections that will help with the adoption of our platform in the future.

Other news

As mentioned in our previous update, we are working with selected exchanges to list the native SEN coin. This process takes time and demands integration; we will keep the community updated on our progress.

We will be sending out a limited number of invitations to test the network before its official launch and shortly will be announcing the conditions for first miners to join our network. If you wish to become a Sentient network beta tester, send an email to

Follow us on Medium, Twitter and Telegram, join our mailing list and thank you all for your support!

