Announcing MythX at the Ethereal Hackathon

ConsenSys Diligence


Earn prizes while helping the ecosystem grow, and potentially end up on stage too

We are excited to announce that MythX is part of the 2019 Ethereal Hackathon, a joint production between Gitcoin and Microsoft’s blockchain group.

The Ethereal Hackathon is a virtual hackathon, which runs from April 15th to April 30th, 2019.

Sign up now!

Why we’re teaming up

The focus of this hackathon is building real, working, usable products, not just proofs-of-concept.

We have teamed up with Gitcoin and Microsoft to be a part of their hackathon because we believe we all share the same aims.

We seek to:

  • Build a world of openness
  • Empower all developers
  • Enable tools to allow our community help each other

Gitcoin lets you get paid for working on open source software, certainly something we can get behind. (Note that Gitcoin, along with MythX, are both parts of ConsenSys.)


We have come up with a number of challenges to entice you, as a developer, to join up with our cause and help make Ethereum safer. And as we believe that MythX can help foster the security-first mindset that Ethereum needs, we have created challenges that develop the MythX ecosystem.

We have five categories:

  1. Foundational Tools — Build a library or contribute to an existing library to enable others to build tools on MythX more easily, such as Java, Golang, etc.
  2. Continuous Integration Tools — Enable developers to use MythX in continuous integration, such as a GitHub app that performs security checks on PRs, or an integration with CircleCI.
  3. IDEs and Code Editors — Build an extension or plugin that adds MythX security analysis to your favorite IDE or code editors such as Remix, Sublime Text, or Atom.
  4. Web apps — Build a web app for analyzing smart contracts that uses MythX. (Perhaps a web-based smart contract analyzer with nice reporting.)
  5. Freestyle — Find a use for MythX that we haven’t thought of yet. Surprise us!

Winners in each of the above categories will earn 1,000 DAI. (If you didn’t know, DAI is pegged to the US dollar, so that’s $1,000 for each of these challenges!)

While all of these challenges benefit the MythX community, this isn’t just about what’s in it for us. From the beginning, we have stayed committed to sharing the benefits of our service with those who have helped to make it so useful. This is why we are offering a revenue share to anyone who builds an integration with MythX. And that’s in addition to the category prizes.

And it gets better. One select person or group will be flown to the Ethereal Summit in New York (May 10–11) to receive their prize live and on stage! [As a member of the team and thus ineligible, I’m pretty envious of you on this one.]

Challenge accepted

Registration is open now, and as of the day this post goes live, the hackathon is on!

And even if you have to sit this one out, we hope you’ll get involved and join our community. While our beta is ongoing, usage of the MythX platform is totally free. You can perform security analysis on your Ethereum smart contracts right now, using tools you already use, such as Truffle. (Here’s a video showing how.)

Join our Discord chat, follow us on Twitter, or join our mailing list. And we want to hear from you!

And as for those joining the hackathon, good luck!

More information:



ConsenSys Diligence

Marketing and Brand Manager at MythX, a division of ConsenSys.