ConsenSys Diligence is going to Paris!

Gonçalo Sá
ConsenSys Diligence
2 min readMar 2, 2019
Photo by Yeo Khee on Unsplash

The Diligence team will be in Paris next week. 🎉

*audience roars loudly*

Our members will be wandering about in the city of eternal love hacking, talking security and having fun! 💻 ❤️ 🥐 🍷

We will be present at most Ethereum and security-related events of next week. Let me give you a quick break down.


We have been preparing a great CTF to be held for the duration of EthCC (from the 5th to the 7th) with some of our friends at HellHound, Kleros, Trail of Bits. Ledger has, very kindly, sponsored the challenge with several prizes for the top teams. Also, some very special thanks to @palkeo and our own Nathan Peercy for the huge help setting all of this up!

There will be several EVM challenges involving several flaws in smart contracts, reverse engineering and straight up cryptography ones.

There is a nice storyline too! Come find what @devops199 has been up to since “accidentally killing” Parity’s multisig. 😏

If you want to be there for the opening announcement be in the Paul Painlevé room at 11 AM on the first day (Tuesday, the 5th).


We are speaking, too! 🗣

More specifically, Niran Babalola, the man behind Panvala, will be talking about incentives for security.

You will be able to see him on the #blockchainhackers meetup at 7PM on Monday, the 4th, speaking about “Panvala: Incentives for Common Security”.

And also at EthCC, on the Jean-Baptiste Say room, at 4PM on the second day of the conference, Wednesday, the 6th, speaking about “Slate Governance for Effective Token Votes

The Paris Ally Guide

Panvala has launched the Spring edition of the Paris Ally Guide. ETHCC attendees can use the Ally Guide to find businesses around the venue who donate to making Ethereum safer. The more customers the Ally Guide brings to businesses, the more they will donate to be listed. You also earn an ERC721 badge each time you shop at an Ally Guide business, and you can earn tokens for referring your friends.

Office Hours

Last but not the least, I’ll be doing a couple of office hours at both EthCC and ETHParis. 🏢 Ready to talk about anything security-related you can think of, talk Diligence, talk audits, … Anything, really!

I’ll be doing one hour after Niran’s talk right out the Jean-Baptiste Say room (starting at 4:30 PM) and one hour at the ETHParis venue, on the first day, Friday, the 8th, right after the hacking starts at 9PM.

If you are looking for an audit, are a talented hacker or just want to hang with cool people come meet me. 😸

You can also reach out directly to schedule something outside of these times by shooting an email to!

Excited to see you all there! 😄 👋

