100 Reasons Why Working at ConsenSys is Awesome

ConsenSys Media
Published in
17 min readSep 6, 2018

After being awarded one of LinkedIn’s Top Startups of 2018, we asked around the mesh to see if working at ConsenSys lives up to the hype.

Today, ConsenSys was named one of LinkedIn’s 50 Most Sought-After Startups. As a collective, we’re honored to be bestowed the accolade alongside some of the world’s most worthwhile organizations building the products, platforms, and apps that will define the way humans interact with the world in the very near future. That said, we remain fully cognizant that this is just the beginning of a very long journey.

ConsenSys is expanding at an exponential rate, with over 1000+ technologists, entrepreneurs, creatives and project managers spread all over the world with offices in New York, San Francisco, Toronto, Paris, London, Dubai, and more on the way — and all of them are hiring!

As we grow, it is our intention to maintain the values of decentralization, a flat hierarchy, and a commitment to diversity, disruption, and a healthy work-life balance that have already come to play a definitive role in the emergent company culture of ConsenSys. With this in mind, we decided to take the conversation one step further and find out what it is that members of the ConsenSys Mesh most appreciate about their work and life experience while part of the organization.

We received an overwhelming response from our peers, with an abundance of genuine and thoughtful insights that we’d love to share with you. So, in the words of ConsenSys mesh members and employees, here are 100 Reasons Why Working at ConsenSys is Awesome…

“The best part about working at ConsenSys is the encouraged and enforced remote culture. Via careful hiring, teams across ConsenSys are filled with eager and ambitious minds that are productive and successful whether they work from the office or from anywhere around the world.”

“I love the trust that the company puts into their employees. It gives more opportunity to be creative and innovative with our work. I also love the flexibility of working from home and setting my own hours!”

“The people and the mission. ConsenSys employees hail from an incredible array of backgrounds — from traditional banking, Fortune 500, and top-tier consultancies, to serial startup entrepreneurs and crypto-anarchists. The common denominator is a passion for the future we are building, and independent thinkers who are willing to take a risk to make that vision a reality.”

“ConsenSys is the ideal place to work for creative engineers and entrepreneurs…ConsenSys people have both brains active at all times: the tech brain is diving in decentralized organizations and Blockchain technologies, while the Entrepreneur brain is constantly seeking to build new ventures.”

“100% time instead of 20% time, and equity for a succesful ‘side project.’ ConsenSys is a decentralized, remote-first mesh, combined with ‘100% time’ and engineers and product people that can start up their own ideas related to Ethereum, then spin out when the time is right and own direct equity in the spin-off.”

“The work life balance and trust without micromanagement. I actually work more because I’m accountable to my team and myself as well as a member of ConsenSys as a whole.”

“What I appreciate most working at ConsenSys is the shared goal to be non-hierarchical and self-organizing. It is both the most challenging and the most rewarding aspect of working at ConsenSys. The intentional lack of hierarchy demands constant attention to structure and process. But, I love the fact that any motivated individual can take part in creating and refining that structure.”

“What I appreciate most about building the decentralized Web 3.0 at ConsenSys is the spirited dialogue with fascinating, accomplished and dedicated colleagues about how we can continually up our game as far as expanding blockchain technology, making the world more equitable and just and also furthering the ”future of work” in our flat, mesh-like organization.”

“The freedom to be entrepreneurial is the biggest draw to work here. Every morning my mind is buzzing with ideas on how I can take our product and team farther, and we trust each other enough to deliver.”

“Autonomy. I love the fact that I can work wherever, whenever, on any project that interests me.”

“What I love most about ConsenSys is how openly people express themselves in every dimension. Talking about emotional family issues, travel adventures, political opinions, and your latest meme creation can all pop up in the same conversation.”

“The best part of working at ConsenSys is seeing people take ownership of projects regardless of how long they have been in the workforce. People who are 1 year out of college are leading huge projects. It’s very motivating to see people lead impactful areas when given complete freedom and runway.”

“Although we say we are flat, we’re still working on this process. I appreciate the fact that I’m in a space where I’m surrounded by people who are committed to working on this complex idea, despite our wide variety of experiences and perspectives.”

“You have full autonomy, and with that comes great responsibility for your future. It’s basically like being Spider-man. 😄

“The concept of the 9 to 5 hour work day has been ingrained into society through generations of its enforcement. Only within the last 10–20 years has the ability to realistically work remotely come into existence. I think going forward we are going to see even more employees working remotely, because the ability to work asynchronously of your peers allows people to maximize their efficiency throughout the day by working when they are productive instead of when their coworkers are in the office. ConsenSys is paving the way for remote, decentralized workforces and that is what I appreciate most about working here.”

“Having the freedom and flexibility of the Mesh to work on projects I want to get involved with, without the many constraints and downsides associated with corporate cubicle life.”


“To me, the best aspect of working at ConsenSys boils down to one word: empowerment. After three decades of professional software work, I have never felt more empowered — by the founder Joe Lubin and by all my coworkers — to contribute to the best of my ability and with my full self. Your opinions are valued, you are encouraged to express them — and the best ideas flourish. It unleashes a surge of creativity and productivity.”

“Freedom. Carte Blanche. Blank Canvas. The beauty of working at ConsenSys is that you shape your own experience and your own journey.”

“Flexibility of schedule and being remote allowed me to sort out both work related and non work related issues without the added stress usually associated with getting leave days.”

“The best thing about ConsenSys is that each person is encouraged and empowered to work on projects they are most passionate about. The company’s holacratic structure gives each person this autonomy, so as long as you peers agree that what you want to do is worth your time and effort, you have full support to move forward. Everyday I get to choose my adventure, and I love it.”

“The fact that I work with so many brilliant people from so many different industries and walks of life that I wouldn’t otherwise get to work with. My brain grows every day.”

“ConsenSys’s people are key to how great it is to work here! This is an organization of intelligent, committed, creative people who are willing to try, test, and build technology and culture together.”

“Beyond my wildest hopes when I joined in 2016, I get to choose where I add value to the now rather broad set of initiatives at ConsenSys to grow the decentralized web. I see what needs doing, and what my colleagues are working on, and focus my energies on a small set of roles I can play to advance the blockchain technology ecosphere with the very real prospect that I will, in some way large or small, facilitate the movement of power from the centers to the edges in the human socialsphere.”

“Everyone is treated like an adult.”

“I am challenged in every meeting I sit in. It is the push to continually educate yourself and stay abreast that keeps me motivated and on my feet.”

“Remote culture and acting as a decentralized organization takes away a lot of the pressures of traditional hierarchies.”

“It’s amazing to finally never have that dreaded ‘Sunday evening’ or ‘Monday Morning’ feeling. I work many weekends and evening out of pure enjoyment. I think that says it all.”

“ConsenSys offers a low friction environment to experiment with new ideas to create the decentralized organizations and industries of tomorrow. Since ConsenSys has been a first mover in Ethereum, we count some of the brightest minds in the field.”

“It’s amazing! I’m getting to work in a challenging environment with some wonderful people and I really do believe we’re going to change the world. I feel uplifted by those around me and in turn I do the same.”

“ConsenSys is truly “flatter” than other places I have worked. I previously worked for the federal government, an extremely hierarchical organization where your whole day could be driven by one request from a senior director. At ConsenSys, employees establish working agreements and self-organize around specific projects based on interest, skillset, and subject matter expertise. So, when I work on something, I’ve made a conscious decision to prioritize that task in order to advance a shared goal.”

“You get to own your lane while taking risks. There’s a sort of fast fail approach, good ideas come out of ‘well that didn’t work,’ so then you collaborate more and get to an even better idea.”

“Life at ConsenSys is radically different and tangibly better than everywhere else I’ve worked the last 25 years — in every way. Among those reasons that have the greatest impact on my happiness and fulfillment are the common bond toward a shared purpose (making the world more just and equitable through decentralizing technological, social and financial systems), the tremendous amount of organizational transparency, the remarkably high percentage of brilliant colleagues, the greatest diversity I’ve ever seen in an organization and the focus on iterating toward the most positive, effective incentives in all aspects of our work.”

“Everyone at ConsenSys is weird, not just me. Even though we’re growing quickly, we still manage to stay one big Meshy family that cares for one another.”

“ConsenSys allows me the freedom to bring my complete self to work. Diversity is richness and differences are celebrated. Working for a company with a grandiose vision for reimagining future is also aspirational and exciting!”

“Ethics comes standard. Compassion and empathy is baked in. We’re learning every day and we’re staying on the cutting edge. And ConsenSys encourages that.”

“I feel like we belong here. We don’t just work for a paycheck, some job title, or the blockchain hype. We have a purpose — to architect the world around us for the benefit of humanity. There is a shimmer in the air when I walk into the office (not because the AC doesn’t work :P) from the intensity and talent working under pressure.”

“I’ve been working in IT since the last Century, working on big and small teams, in remote locations and in an office. ConsenSys provides a real remote-first culture, helping enable people to work from home and build great things. It is by far the best remote environment that I’ve ever worked at.”

“The enthusiasm, experience and overall knowledge of the folks I work with, combined with the inherent trust and responsibility given to me by my colleagues… I also don’t really have a manager I must constantly answer to which is quite refreshing and liberating.”

“At ConsenSys, it is such a different place to work because I’ve never seen employees supporting each other so much while we’re all constantly learning. Taking oneself too seriously is also not a viable option — everyone’s having too much fun for that!”

“ConsenSys is different from other places as we truly live and breathe the philosophies of empowerment and accountability. Micro-Management is non existent and you truly manage how you work on a day to day basis.”

“The positive differences compared to my former employers were noticed in mere hours rather than days or quarters. ConsenSys inspires you to drive head first into building the next generation decentralized solutions through experimentation and team research whereas other firms are more concerned with only immediate short-sighted monetary goals.”

“I’ve not only renewed my faith in humanity since being at ConsenSys but learned along the way that the world I sought to change “out there” was never very far at all. I’ve been granted such a wide range of expression at ConsenSys where I was otherwise held captive in past professional life. The patience and kindness exhibited by many in this company has allowed me to make up for lost time and discover all the wonderful things human beings are capable of if we are willing to fail, reflect, and grow.”

“Everyone I work with is self-driven, acts like an owner, and is truly passionate about the goal that we are building towards. The flexibility to do that work on your own terms only creates more productivity and trust.”

“The remote-first culture of ConsenSys allows me to be productive but also lead the lifestyle I currently lead. I get to spend time with family and friends but also play a crucial role on my team.”

“Working at ConsenSys is a lifestyle and not one that impedes on work, life balance. You want to be engaged because of the positive culture promoted, whether it is after hours or on weekends, because we are truly building something bigger than ourselves here.”

“The decentralization movement has definitely opened my eyes to the way large corporations extract unfathomable value from the public.”

“ConsenSys’ approach to decentralisation is not only limited to the technology itself. Both culture and organisation within the company share that same value, and it’s amazing how positively that impacts our day to day! Never have I worked in such an open and collaborative environment, and I can say with absolute certainty that it is a game changer!”

“ConsenSys decentralized and remote-first nature provides a lot of flexibility for a first-time father with a 7-month old baby. I’m also in my second year in the Evening & Weekend MBA program at UC-Berkeley Haas School of Business. The fact that I am able to work when and where I want, allows me to better balance work, school, and personal life.”

“My lifestyle, mental and physical health is augmented and realised by my role at ConsenSys. Working when, where and how I want so I can give my all to the projects, clients, end users and my team.”

“As an introvert, I can work from the comfort of my home without distractions, or quench my travel urge without having to take time off — I can simply work from there. This is great for creative thinking and energy. Also, everyone at ConsenSys learns to become a better facilitator. Leading meetings, working groups, and initiatives empowers folks who might not have otherwise been in a “leadership” position elsewhere, but now have a unique opportunity to understand how to help set directions and outcomes for projects, and how to shepherd people towards that in an open and decentralized way, through consensus.”

“ConsenSys’s remote-first and decentralized work philosophy is such a breath of fresh air. I think having time flexibility is becoming more and more essential for a happy workplace. You suddenly have the ability to do things that previously would cause a strain on the traditional 9–5 job schedule. Furthermore, you’re much more motivated and empowered to drive up your own value and involvement in a way that isn’t always present in traditional office spaces.”

“I can have a work/life balance that truly is balanced. I come in to the office most days, but when the weather is bad or I need to get some errands or household chores done, it’s great to be able to work on my own schedule. Also having almost all meetings via video conference is great so I can be in transit and not miss anything important and still contribute, without being confined to a room.”

“Flexibility. I’m an artist on the side so working at ConsenSys allows for me to still dive into the arts. I always make work a priority, but I find my side hustles help the main hustle. Blockchain work needs creatives to help “lay” people understand the decentralized future.”

“A truly global and remote working lifestyle offered at ConsenSys has brought greater balance to my life as I now take meetings at times and in locations that meet my personal and family’s needs. With the decentralized leadership and self-managed approach, I finally feel free to work in alignment with my personal gifts and talents without need to try to fit into some corporate hierarchy in order to increase the level of my personal scope of contribution and level of autonomy. This is incredibly liberating and I feel so much more impactful in my contributions.”

“ConsenSys has several animating principles and recommended methodologies that set a lot of the tone for work here (the atmosphere is also a function of having so many very smart people dedicated to a shared purpose of making the world a better place). We are committed to decentralization not just as a better technological approach to the Web but more generally as a philosophy of effectiveness driven by decision making power residing with those closest to the action. Not only are there no rigid hierarchies here, should any begin to form there are dozens of voices highlighting better ways of doing things. There is also a huge investment in and commitment to Agile — not just for software development but as an approach to coordinating work throughout the organization.”

“ConsenSys’s workplace philosophies are what I used to dream about while working my 9–5 desk job in midtown. I wanted so badly to be able to work from home and avoid the long, stressful commute, but was never granted permission. I work from home almost every day now during the hours I’m most productive, and I feel much healthier, physically and mentally.”

“Because of our work format (often remote, decentralized) we have to be in constant communication, but more importantly we’re learning how to make it meaningful communication. We dedicate time to our daily, weekly, and monthly priorities — which we have to do given the constantly shifting space we’re working in.”

“For me it all goes back to the empowerment that these workplace philosophies create. Being remote first, we understand the importance of showing up for each other, thinking creatively, and strategizing to develop the best most and most executable work for the mesh.”

“More positive than I can ever have imagined! The freedom to work independently but still contribute to a larger team is rewarding.”

“I’m someone who likes to work in different settings — ConsenSys allows this. I also split my time between New York and Canada and have family in Europe — ConsenSys provides me the freedom to travel and work from these spots whenever I want and need to.”

“Remote-first and agile were old-hat to me; decentralization has been a fascinating experiment and one I’ve found to be inspirational thus far.”

“Autonomy and self-management have changed how I view myself and what I know I am capable of. When fully in-control of what I work on, where, and when my productivity is 25% higher (based on tracking tool data pre and post ConsenSys hiring)”

“Agile is tremendous. It allows individuals to manage their own time and commitments, meaning you can explore a new project or initiative without seeking complex approval. If you have the time and the interest, it is yours to pursue.”

“Remote-first means that I don’t have to be anxious about getting to a work location on time. I can work while visiting family in Detroit. AGILE is another tool/framework that I can use in terms of increasing my productivity and accountability. The decentralization is an embodiment of the technology that we all rely upon and I love working though the ups and downs of this.”

“Working on a remote-first team gives me the freedom to work from whichever setting suits me best, so I can do my best work from anywhere in the world.”

“I don’t have a lease and don’t plan on getting one anytime soon. I love the ability to work from wherever, whenever. It allows for such an exciting lifestyle of traveling and pursuing interests outside of work.”

“It may not be for everyone, but having now worked remote-first, I don’t think I can commute again. I’ve got more time for me, I’m more productive in comfortable surrounds. I see more of friends and family, I don’t feel wiped out at the end of a long day. When ‘the crunch’ does hit, being unconstrained by office hours and the commute, means you still find windows of time for the things that matter.”

“Leadership trusts in us to work on what we want, when we want. That freedom and trust makes us want to work hard to prove the model can succeed.”

“The remote-first environment at ConsenSys is amazing. It makes it possible for me to work effectively with teams all around the world from my home office. The decentralized environment has given me great opportunity to have impacts and make some contributions well outside of the role I thought I was hired for.”

“I get to do this and still be contributing to my family, balancing some really significant work opportunities and commitments with being a Dad, coaching my sons basketball team, and doing morning school drop-offs.”

“Decentralization, remote-first, and agile works at an organization like ConsenSys because everyone here is incredibly mission-driven. No matter where, what time, or how, my colleagues would be thinking and working on making blockchain a reality regardless, and ConsenSys is the connective tissue to make that a coordinated reality.”

“I have been able to be the most creative and to believe we can, together build a better world. The trust and cooperation in an open transparent way is incredible to experience after over 25 years of working for corporates that had lost their humanity.”

“Best place I’ve ever worked at, love it and feel lucky to be here. As a dad of two little girls I get to see them a lot more now with our remote first work environment, and flexibility.”

“ConsenSys has rendered me permanently and irreversibly disabled to function in any “normal” corporate job and opened my eyes wide to the pursuit of my life’s work.”

“I’ve built a creative strategy command center around my couch. I can work in my PJs in the morning, do errands in the afternoon, grab a drink with friends, and crank out another work sprint before the end of the day to align with US timezones. The freedom ConsenSys gives us to work where we want, when we want is extremely empowering for optimal work-life integration. Of course, this says a lot about the motivation and drive we expect from every candidate interviewing with us.”

“No-one’s judges solely on their pedigree, everyone’s empowered to prove themselves and take responsibility.”

Did we mention that ConsenSys is hiring all over the world? Check out our Careers Page for more info.

Disclaimer: The views expressed by the 75+ authors above do not necessarily represent the views of Consensys AG. ConsenSys is a decentralized community with ConsenSys Media being a platform for members to freely express their diverse ideas and perspectives. To learn more about ConsenSys and Ethereum, please visit our website.



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