Announcing the Winners of the Blockchain for Social Impact Coalition Hackathon

ConsenSys Social Impact
ConsenSys Media
Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2017

The Blockchain for Social Impact Coalition is thrilled to announce the winners of our month-long virtual hackathon. Between September 7th and October 7th, more than 60 teams from over 120 locations across the globe came together to generate solutions across four focus areas: Financial Inclusion, Supply Chain, Identity and Vulnerable Populations, and Energy and Environment.

The Blockchain for Social Impact Coalition is a community of entrepreneurs, humanitarians, and technologists who are committed to sharing resources in order mobilize the blockchain towards global social and environmental goals. This wasn’t a hackathon for one-off ideas. We called it a “Decentralized Impact Accelerator,” because we challenged teams to create more than just code. 142 dedicated mentors volunteered their time and expertise to guide the teams and pushed them to think hard about user pain points so their early stage projects could become real world, deployable solutions.

The teams rose to the occasion and astonished us with creative and sophisticated solutions to some of the world’s most urgent problems. Each team was independently reviewed by three randomly-chosen judges from 21 of the most reputable names in the industry. The judges scored projects’ market opportunity readiness, product market fit, impact, and innovation. We proudly present the winners and runner-ups below, with links to their pitch videos:

Financial Inclusion

Supply Chain

Identity & Vulnerable Populations

Energy & Environment:

None of this would have been possible without the advice and support of the entire Blockchain for Social Impact Coalition, who spent several months before the hackathon curating the challenges and ironing out the submission and evaluation process. We want to especially thank our sponsors — ConsenSys, BOMA Investments, Maiden Global, Opolis, Microsoft, ABN AMRO, and Proskauer — for believing in the potential of this community and for making miracles happen. We cannot wait for next year’s hackathon and for the next wave of groundbreaking solutions. Stay tuned!

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ConsenSys Social Impact
ConsenSys Media

An interdisciplinary team operating at the intersection of blockchain technology and social impact. One of @ConsenSys. Building community at @ethereum4impact.