Blockchain Designer Profile: Octavian Todirut

Designer at Cellarius

Sarah Baker Mills
ConsenSys Media
2 min readNov 29, 2017


How did you get involved in blockchain?

After a cocktail made of dear friends, sheer curiosity, and the need of a new challenge.

What are you working on now?

Cellarius. I cannot say more.

What do you enjoy about designing in the blockchain space?

Designing, I enjoy designing. ^_^ While there are some specific steps related to designing for blockchain, the basics are the same. Blockchain might be new but design already has a history of trial and error. I really do not see designing for blockchain any different from the rest. I like the idea, novelty and huge potential of the blockchain and this might give the impression that what we design is also new but overall the principles are the same.

What are some of the challenges you face when designing for users of decentralized apps?

Making things easier to understand and go through, familiar, also trustworthy. Probably this comes with time and it’s not design dependent. The society needs to accommodate to the “new” in an already established structure, no matter how flawed the latter might be, generally people are resisting new ideas. I am guessing that users needed the same amount of confidence and “getting used to” factor when cards and online shopping showed up.

What advice do you have for a designer new to blockchain?

At first, it can be intimidating because of the novelty, the big amount of information and technicalities. If you like both challenges and being part of something bigger than you, then this is the place you’re looking for.

Do it your own way. Most likely blockchain was born after you were. It’s not often that something this big, life and society changing, happens during your lifetime. You are usually born in a set of rules that you learn in childhood to obey and take as granted. This is an escape from all of those.

Question everything (in a productive and practical way). The birth of blockchain itself is a proof of “question everything”.

In a world where design is becoming more and more mechanical in process, based on step by step actions, try to find enjoyment and surprise.

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Sarah Baker Mills
ConsenSys Media

Director of Product Design @DocuSign, previously @ConsenSys, @IBMBlockchain, @TheAtlantic/@AMStrategy.