Compare Ethereum API Performance with Versus

Infura’s new open source API benchmarking tool compares API workload across different node implementations and Web3 providers.

ConsenSys Media
2 min readMar 18, 2020


Deciding whether to run your own Ethereum node (or nodes), outsource your infrastructure to a Web3 provider like Infura, or deploy a hybrid node solution really depends on your API workload. To help developers evaluate their options, we’ve built Versus: an open source API benchmarking tool. Versus compares your API workload across different node implementations and Web3 providers so you can make data-based decisions.

Tests run using the Versus tool are 99% reproducible. In this post we step through a sample test to demonstrate how the tool works, and share the test parameters and results so others can follow the same method and reproduce them.

Read the full story on the Infura Blog

Originally published at on March 18, 2020.



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