Ethereum Hackathon Survival Guide

Everything you need to know for your next Ethereum hackathon: essential developer tools, expert setup tips, and support resources to help you build a winning dapp.

ConsenSys Media
3 min readFeb 12, 2020


Whether you’re competing virtually or in the real world, Ethereum hackathons are excellent opportunities to get hands-on development training, collaborate with hackers around the world, win cash prizes, and get your name and your project out there.

Hackathon challenges range from bug fixes to new features to integrations to research projects. It always pays off to have a detailed work plan so sponsors and teammates can provide specific feedback and know you mean business. This survival guide will run through some key resources and best practices, as well as walk you through the optimal setup for your development environment. Use it as a quick-reference as you open up tabs for specific repos and technical docs. Happy BUIDLing!

What’s covered in the guide:

  • Benefits of Going to an Ethereum Hackathon
  • What It Takes to Win
  • Tools and Knowledge Bases You Should Bookmark
  • Pre-Hackathon: What You Need Before You Go
  • Text Editors and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)
  • How to Run Ethereum on Your Machine: Local Chain, Clients, and APIs
  • Ethereum Smart Contract Development Framework
  • How to Use Testnets and Get Test Ether
  • How to Connect Your Front-End to the Back-End
  • Connecting It All: Double-check Your Environment
  • Day of the Hackathon: 4 Pro Tips
  • Post-Hackathon: Taking Your Dapp to Production
  • Upcoming Ethereum Hackathons in 2020

Read the full guide now on the ConsenSys Developer Portal

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