The Helena Prediction Markets Platform Is Live on Ethereum Mainnet

Helena is inviting crypto experts, industry professionals, and crypto Twitter users to predict key events in the blockchain space

Helena Network
ConsenSys Media
4 min readFeb 25, 2019


By Mark Ziade, Founder and CEO of Helena

We are thrilled to announce that Helena has officially launched on Ethereum Mainnet!

Helena is a prediction markets platform delivering real-time quantified forecasts about fundamental blockchain events, trends, and projects. The Helena app is built using the Gnosis prediction markets protocol. Founded at the beginning of 2018, Helena recently graduated from the ConsenSys Labs Venture Studio, after a 1-year incubation.

Make Predictions, Earn Rewards, Build Reputation

Helena is inviting active crypto Twitter users, research analysts, and industry enthusiasts to sign up to become a Helena “Insight Provider” and participate in blockchain prediction markets.

Unlike other prediction markets, Helena will be diligent in onboarding Insight Providers, ensuring a diversity in geographical distribution, level of expertise, and industry background. For example, Insight Providers will be able to predict the total capacity of the Bitcoin Lightning Network in BTC by a specific date, or even vote on a prediction about whether or not Dr. Craig Wright will testify under oath stating he is Satoshi.

To sign up, Insight Providers will be asked to provide an email address, Twitter or LinkedIn handle, and a MetaMask wallet address. Once enrolled, Helena will whitelist the account within 24 hours and send 2000 Proton (P+) tokens for participating in prediction markets. P+ tokens are zero-value nontransferable tokens used to track performance in markets — essentially reputation tokens.

Rewards will be distributed on a monthly basis depending on overall performance. For example, top performers each month will be ranked and rewarded in DAI or Ether from a bounty pool, which will initially be funded by Helena and other sponsors, the very first of those being Gnosis. In the future, the bounty pool will be funded through minimal subscription fees from customers seeking real-time analysis on token projects and events. Insight Providers will also be able to build a reputation score for accurate predictions over time, using it to provide real credibility to the analysts and crypto commentariat.

Helena is also inviting all Insight Providers, crypto investors, crypto enthusiasts, and crypto followers to suggest markets related to blockchain and crypto technology, regulatory, and business events. The Helena team will be selecting the most interesting and popular topics and including them on the platform.

Harness the Predictive Power of the Cryptosphere

The idea underlying Helena is a belief that “play money” prediction markets, coupled with diligent participant curation, will enable the delivery of real-time quantified fundamental insights to investors and customers. Crypto Twitter has been essential for the crypto community to discuss, debate and share insights, but never before have we been able to truly measure the accuracy and enduring insight of these predictions.

As Immanuel Kant put it, “The usual touchstone of whether what someone asserts is mere persuasion or at least a subjective conviction, i.e., firm belief, is betting. Often someone pronounces his propositions with such confident and inflexible defiance that he seems to have entirely laid aside all concern for error. A bet disconcerts him. Sometimes he reveals that he is persuaded enough for one ducat but not for ten.”

Helena sees a near future where prediction markets will be used to harness the wisdom of professionals all around the globe to effectively educate and enlighten the Web3 individual. With Helena, if you believe it, predict it.

Follow us on Twitter at @HelenaNetwork for updates on the platform and the latest blockchain predictions. If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to us via email at We can’t wait to see what the cryptosphere predicts.

Disclaimer: The views expressed by the author above do not necessarily represent the views of Consensys AG. ConsenSys is a decentralized community with ConsenSys Media being a platform for members to freely express their diverse ideas and perspectives. To learn more about ConsenSys and Ethereum, please visit



Helena Network
ConsenSys Media

Global platform delivering real-time forecasts on fundamental blockchain events and trends, using prediction markets | Incubated @ConsenSys