Joe Lubin Answers the Question, “Who Is an Ethereum Developer?”

How the Ethereum ecosystem can think bigger about who’s building Web3 and reach one million devs.

ConsenSys Media
2 min readFeb 27, 2020


At the ETHDenver hackathon and community event last week, I shared with the hackers a question we’ve been thinking about since Devcon V, where I challenged our ecosystem to grow to one million developers building on Ethereum: who is an Ethereum developer?

About a third of the attendees in Denver were new to blockchain, so my ConsenSys colleagues and I wanted to make them feel welcome, share knowledge, and show a clear path into our community. At ConsenSys we have lots of Ethereum or Web3 developers. And recently — in the context of driving towards one million Ethereum devs — we’ve been trying to come up with a definition of exactly what an Ethereum developer is.

Read the full article on the ConsenSys Blog

Originally published at



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