Looking for an Easy Way to Connect Your Dapp to IPFS and Ethereum?

Infrastructure empowering decentralized applications

ConsenSys Media
2 min readSep 8, 2016


The decentralization of all things is upon us. As Ethereum continues to mature, more and more developers are writing decentralized applications (Ðapps) that interact with the Ethereum blockchain and deliver trust-free distributed coordination and consensus.

One particular challenge faced by developers wishing to deploy applications that interact with the blockchain is the need for the code to interface with a full node participating on the Ethereum blockchain. To a developer who would rather write software, standing up one of the many Ethereum implementations locally and keeping it up-to-date is a bit of a drag. And distracting…


The mission of INFURA is to provide the world with secure, stable, robust, balanced, fault tolerant and easily scalable Ethereum and IPFS nodes. By doing so, it eliminates a burden for developers to maintain their own infrastructure and it frees them to do what they do best…write software!

INFURA presents end-points for Ethereum that support CORS and provide all of the capabilities offered through the JSON-RPC API including the web3and eth methods. You can also use INFURA to sign and broadcast transactions to the Ethereum blockchain.

INFURA includes a service layer called ‘Ferryman’ that provides intelligent routing of incoming requests allowing for incoming requests to be directed to Geth, Strato, EthereumH, Nethereum, Parity or any other back-end client that may be optimized for certain operations.

INFURA also provides endpoints to seamlessly access IPFS from decentralized applications without the hassle of running any software locally.

INFURA is available for the Ethereum Mainnet (ETH), the Ethereum Testnet (Morden) and the Ethereum ConsenSysNet. INFURA is the backbone for many of the projects coming out of ConsenSys, including uPort,SingularDTV, Metamask, BTC-Relay, Regis, Benefactory and many more.

The world will be decentralized when Ethereum is ubiquitous and every person is hosting his or her own node. Until that day comes, INFURA will assist the decentralization movement and advance the state of the art by providing the people with a gateway to Ethereum and IPFS.

To learn more and get started today, visit https://infura.io and follow us on Twitter @infura_io. Listen to an interview with Infura developer, Herman Jung on the State Change podcast.



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