Making Dreams our Reality: BRAID the Movie Crowdfunding Campaign

ConsenSys Media
Published in
4 min readJun 9, 2017

Imagine an independent artist one day has a dream for a new film. This artist writes her script, assembles her production team, drafts her budget, sets her funding goal, and is able to submit a proposal to a global audience of strangers she has never met before for their review and consideration.

This audience looks over the proposal, assesses its merits, and can contribute to her work seamlessly and instantly from anywhere in the world. In return for being early contributors, these fans receive a share of the future revenue the film generates.

The artist is able to transparently display her production expenditures as the film is produced, and communicate with her new fans about progress directly, responding to questions and feedback along the way and taking them on a creative journey of a lifetime.

Once the film is complete, she can distribute her film on a global decentralized platform, where people from all over the world can watch the film and become brand ambassadors, earning income as they help spread her vision for her work.

With this platform, anyone and everyone can now become professional film critics, talent agents, movie producers and film financiers. This newly assembled network of individuals from around the world, many of whom have never met each other, together form a decentralized Hollywood studio, coming together to produce and distribute a film free from the restrictive control of a central body. And one young woman’s dream becomes reality.

This is the both the vision and the underlying theme behind BRAID.

Why do the same reused plot lines, endless sequels, and empty stories keep getting produced? Why do regular people, the viewers, never have a say in what movies are made or how they are made? The well-kept secret, or perhaps, not a secret at all, is that a small number of Hollywood studios choose what’s available for our entertainment. But what if we all had the power to make our own choice? What if we could choose what we wanted to see, and operate completely outside the existing system that dominates the film industry today?

The BRAID Production team is ushering in this future by using the explosive Ethereum community to finance and produce this vision for a new entertainment industry.

Director Mitzi Pierone has written an award-winning script and the production team has assembled a star-studded cast including Madeline Brewer (The Handmaid’s Tale, Orange is the New Black, Hemlock Grove) and Imogen Waterhouse (Nocturnal Animals, Burnt). The crew boasts some of the hottest talent in the industry, including Director of Photography Todd Banhazl, Costume Designer Amit Gajwani, and Production Designer Annie Simeone.

The Braid producers are experienced industry veterans from Killer Films and the Weinstein Company who have generated millions of dollars of profits for their past investors.

The team has partnered with the leading blockchain venture production studio, ConsenSys and their award-winning crowdfunding platform, WeiFund, to power the crowdsale.

We’ve scouted and secured our sets, negotiated and solidified our full team, and trimmed our budget down to $1.7 million in order to give our contributors the maximum potential upside. And we’ve worked with a top US law Firm, Perkins Coie, on drafting legal structures that ensure our contributors are well-protected and can make a profit on their investment if the film sees any success.

And profound success will come. That is why we are distributing all of our tokens to the Ethereum community and paying supporters 15% interest before any profit is taken by the production team. The first $1.95 million dollars goes directly back to you.

The additional profit will be split 70/30 between the team and our contributors. A $10 million distribution deal would net investors a 147% return on their investment. Our goal is to secure a distribution deal within 1 year from today.

We want the Ethereum community to help power this transformative thrust to disrupt the traditional entertainment industry and power independent filmmaking. We hope to see others follow our lead, using blockchain technology to topple Hollywood studios, and allowing YOU, the viewer, the fan, the contributor, to choose what films get made.

Let’s make our dreams our reality.

Please join the revolution at and contribute using either MetaMask or Light Wallet.

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Disclaimer: The views expressed by the author above do not necessarily represent the views of Consensys AB. ConsenSys is a decentralized community with ConsenSys Media being a platform for members to freely express their diverse ideas and perspectives. To learn more about ConsenSys and Ethereum,please visit our website.



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