Top 20 Dapps for Developer Activity — October, 2019

Find out which projects in the blockchain ecosystem made the most developmental progress in October

ConsenSys Media
3 min readNov 11, 2019


You can tell a whole lot about the state of a project or application by the amount of activity it has on Github. Projects with lots of action are more likely to be in the midst of BUIDLing and shipping, while a Github that’s populated only by lonesome tumbleweeds is a sign of a project that’s either not moving forward or is so perfect that it doesn’t require any more work — and that is something of a rarity.

State of the Dapps does a great job of harvesting data from Github, including commits, pushes, issues, and pull requests from open source projects and Dapps representing the most notable platforms that support decentralized apps — including Ethereum, EOS, Steem, and xDai. The result is a bird’s eye view of developer activity in the blockchainspace.

Although this information is by no means a definitive or complete picture of the blockchain ecosystem for countless reasons, the Github data illustrates some interesting trends regarding developer activity in the blockchain space in regards to open source projects. Don’t see your favorite project listed below? Encourage them to make their activity public and published on State of the Dapps.

The month of October showed significant changes in rankings for activity on Github, with newcomers on the list outpacing development by list regulars. Although Ethereum-based projects still dominate the list from top to bottom, it seems that the blockchain industry’s developers must have all been busy at Devcon, because numbers were down across the board after a period of sustained growth this Summer.

Check out the Top 20 Projects via State of the Dapps on the ConsenSys blog.

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