Consentium — LAToken Launch Party

Hey everybody! Recently Consentium and LAToken hosted a launch party and it was a huge success!

3 min readOct 31, 2018


Consentium X LAToken

Last week, we threw an exclusive party to celebrate the partnership of Consentium and LAToken at Origin Bar, Shangri-la Hotel.

Guests were welcomed with a sumptuous glass of fine champagne from Veuve Clicquot and a token (pun intended!) of appreciation from Consentium.

The launch party started off with a keynote presentation by Wayne Ng, Head of the China Market of Consentium, providing an overview of Consentium’s revolutionary app that is now available on both ANDROID and iOS.

Wayne Ng, Head of the China Market of Consentium

This was followed by an app demo by Consentium’s Senior Project Manager, Kristopher Heslop, displaying Consentium’s breakthrough features that integrate both cryptocurrencies and chat app.

Kristopher Heslop, Senior Project Manager

Our VIPs for the night, Jeremy Khoo, Business Development Officer of Consentium, Roman Zhdanov, Managing Director of LAToken and Lev Umanov Partnerships Relations Manager of LAToken were invited on stage for the highlight of the party, the Launch Ceremony!

Representatives from both sides placed their logos on the photo wall to symbolize a fruitful union as everyone raised their glasses to the partnership.

From left to right, Lev Umanov, Roman Zhdanov and Jeremy Khoo

As the ceremony drew to a close, a night of networking between leaders and influencers in the blockchain space followed, accompanied by drinks and canapés of course.

We are truly thrilled by this exciting collaboration and will be looking forward to the opportunities ahead!

Being the #1 exchange in liquidity for newly listed tokens, LAToken provides a simple, fast and secure way to exchange cryptocurrency. Click HERE to trade on LAToken now! CSM-ETH / CSM-BTC

Do take a look at our launch party’s highlight video on Facebook now!

Stay tuned via our social channels to know more about Consentium and our future activities. We value the feedback of our community users, so please feel free to share your thoughts with us as we keep updating you on our progress!

Official Links-

Consentium breakthrough chat application will change the way you perceive your usual daily engagement on phone! Download the app today!

Click to download: ANDROID /IOS

Website: Consentium
Telegram channel: Consentium Official
Social Media-
Twitter: @Consentium
Facebook: Consentium




上周,我们在香格里拉大酒店起源酒吧(Origin Bar)举办了一场庆祝嘉信和LAToken合作的独家派对。


发布会以嘉信中国市场主管Wayne Ng的主题演讲开始。Wayne Ng介绍了嘉信的创新性应用程序,这一应用程序现在ANDROID iOS上都可以下载使用。

嘉信中国市场主管Wayne Ng

随后,嘉信高级项目经理Kristopher Heslop演示了这一应用程序,展示了嘉信结合加密货币与聊天应用的突破性创新。

高级项目经理Kristopher Heslop

我们的晚会嘉宾嘉信业务拓展总监Jeremy Khoo、LAToken常务董事Roman Zhdanov和LAToken合作伙伴经理Lev Umanov受邀上台出席了本次晚会的重头戏 — 启动仪式。


从左至右,分别是Lev Umanov, Roman Zhdanov和Jeremy Khoo



LAToken是提高新上市代币流动性的最佳交易平台,在LAToken平台上交易加密数字货币简单、快速且安全。现在点击此处在LAToken平台进行交易吧!CSM-ETH / CSM-BTC






电报频道:Consentium Official


Twitter: @Consentium
Facebook: Consentium




Consentium is a revolutionary platform that bridges the gap between social communication and cryptocurrency. Visit