Consentium X BLA

Jeremy Peh
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2019

Almost 2 weeks have passed since Block Live Asia (BLA)! We will like to take this chance to thank the organiser Grounded and First Wave once again for the support given during the event.

Block Live Asia is the world’s first blockchain-meets-lifestyle festival. It was held successfully on April 18 and 19 at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore.

BLA was a great opportunity to showcase the Consentium App to the general public. At the same time, it was a great way for the team to catch up and speak to industry leaders in the blockchain space.

Here are some of the key highlights of BLA:

  • The Consentium Labs
  • The Experience Zone
  • Networking with Industry Leaders
  • Our Keynote at BLA

As BLA was an ambitious large-scale blockchain event geared towards the general public, it was an interesting and fruitful experience for Consentium. Furthermore, BLA was an important demonstration of why we need blockchain in our lives and how blockchain will impact us.

Consentium Labs

Consentium Labs was a space for blockchain enthusiasts to network and brainstorm ideas within the space. There were a number of activities to take part in..

The Experience Zone

The Experience Zone was an excellent way to get close to the public, showcase the app and get feedback directly from the users.

Networking with Industry Leaders

The Consentium team had meaningful exchanges with industry leaders like:

  • Roger Ver (CEO,
  • Felix Mago (CEO, DASH Thailand)
  • Kiana Shek (Co-founder, DigiFinex)
  • Garrett Jin (Co-founder, BitForex)
  • Paul W. Kittiwongsunthorn (Co-founder, TenX)
  • Shaun Djie (COO, DigiX and Founder, Ethereum Singapore Meetup)
  • Chia Hock Lai (Vice President, Singapore Fintech Association)
  • Ankit Bhatia (CEO, Sapien Network)
  • Jagdish Pandya (Chairman, BlockON Group)

The team had a great time networking, discussing the future of blockchain and assessing how Consentium bridges gaps in the industry today.

Consentium’s Keynote at BLA

The keynote by Wayne Huang, Head of Greater Asia, was focused on the widespread use of chat apps and the reasons why a chat app like Consentium will be the faster route to mass adoption. The keynote also highlighted how chat apps have evolved over the last ten years and how Consentium fits in the current chat ecosystem. Wayne expressed his optimism in the future development of the blockchain industry and how Consentium will change how we interact with each other.

For more information please download the PDF of his keynote below.

Experience the app yourself and join the revolution today!
Click to download: ANDROID /IOS

Website: Consentium
Telegram channel: Consentium Official
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Twitter: @Consentium
Facebook: Consentium

Consentium 应用在 Block Live Asia 峰会强势亮相

一星期前,“2019 Block Live Asia新加坡大会”圆满落幕,今天,我们再次感谢 GroundedFirst Wave 两大承办方为此次峰会顺利召开提供的大力支持。

2019年4月18日至19日,全球首个区块链生活节 Block Live Asia (BLA)于新加坡滨海湾金沙会议中心成功召开,此次峰会为 Consentium 应用程序的公开亮相提供了绝佳机会。另外,对于 Consentium 应用程序的研发团队而言,BLA也是为区块链空间行业领导者的沟通交流提供了一个很好的平台。

以下是 Consentium 在BLA 的四大亮点:

1、设立Consentium 实验室;

2、搭建 Consentium 应用体验区;

3、Consentium 团队与行业领导者沟通交流;

4、Consentium 团队代表在 BLA 发表主题演讲。

BLA 这场面向大众的大型区块链峰会,向公众阐释了区块链在我们生活中的重要性以及它所产生的重要影响,而Consentium应用程序在次峰会上的亮相,可以说是一次颇具意义且富有成效的经历。接下来,我们再全面的了解下Consentium。

Consentium 实验室:

Consentium 实验室的设立旨在为区块链爱好者提供一个相互沟通交流和集思广益的空间,实验室内有各种不同的活动以供用户选择。

Consentium 应用体验区:

Consentium 应用体验区为我们提供了面向公众、展示应用并直接获得用户反馈的一个绝佳平台。

Consentium 团队与行业领导者沟通交流

与Consentium 团队进行沟通交流的行业领导者主要有:

  • Bitcoin 网首席执行官 Roger Ver
  • 泰国 DASH 首席执行官 Felix Mago
  • DigiFinex 联合创始人 Kiana Shek
  • BitForex 联合创始人 Garrett Jin
  • TenX 联合创始人 Paul W. Kittiwongsunthorn
  • DigiX 首席运营官兼 Ethereum Singapore Meetup 创始人Shaun Djie
  • 新加坡 Fintech 协会副会长Chia Hock Lai
  • Sapien Network 首席执行官 Ankit Bhatia
  • BlockON 集团董事会主席 Jagdish Pandya等。

Consentium团队与行业领导者进行了十分愉快的沟通交流,并探讨了区块链的未来和Consentium 应用是如何弥补当今行业的空缺等问题。

Consentium 团队代表在 BLA 发表了主题演讲

Consentium 团队大亚洲地区负责人 Wayne Huang 在BLA发表了主要演讲,演讲主要谈及了聊天软件的广泛应用并解释 Consentium 聊天软件快速应用的原因,同时,还阐释了聊天软件在过去十年中的演变和Consentium 适应当前聊天生态系统的原因。另外,Wayne Huang还表明了其对区块链行业的未来持乐观态度。






电报频道:Consentium Official




