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Conservative Review
3 min readDec 14, 2016


‘Are all of us monsters?’ Why actor Nick Searcy voted for Trump

by Chris Pandolfo

Why did Donald Trump win? The question has plagued the Left and the mainstream media, with explanations ranging from “fake news” to “racism.”

But actor Nick Searcy has a theory. In a recent Facebook post, Searcy responded to a “young friend” who wanted the actor’s honest reasoning for voting for Donald Trump, though he didn’t support him. And, in his sincerity, Searcy nailed it.

“I’m not so much a Republican as i [sic] am someone who votes against Democrats to stop what I believe to be a hard-left, centralized, top-down totalitarian form of government that is now the official philosophy, especially after Obama, of the Democrat party,” Searcy wrote.

“The push by Obama and the Democrats during his two terms in office has been to try to take over as much of the American economy as possible, often, especially in the case of Obamacare, by corruptly folding the large insurance companies into the scheme by designing a huge payoff to them right into the bill itself, and thereby forcing Americans to buy health insurance.”

Though President-elect Trump does not fully embrace the principles of “individual liberty and smaller gov’t” that Searcy espouses, the Democratic Party has moved too far to the left, the “Justified” star explains. And the party refuses to see it.

“The Democrats’ policies do not work, they always result in economic devastation and disaster — look at Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, on and on, all wastelands, all under Democrat rule for 50 or more years,” he writes.

“So the only chance they have is to divide America up into groups of victims and then say ‘the evil Republicans hate you and want to kill you and if you don’t vote for us, you are voting for white people to murder you and any black person or woman who votes Republican is a traitor and is going to Hell’ and so on. Before Trump, Romney was the biggest racist that ever lived, and McCain before that, and Bush before that, and Reagan before that. It is literally the only argument they have.”

As Searcy so eloquently and thoroughly explains in his answer, an extremely significant part of the Left recklessly demonizes its opponents as nefarious racists and bigots. They cannot see how their policies dehumanize and damage people. The Democrat Party’s failure to own up to their failure, the insistence of their presidential nominee that those on the other side are deplorables, their insistence on banning any and all dissention contributed to the Nov. 8 results.

In closing, Nick Searcy poses a question to those on the Left still at a loss to explain this election: “I would also ask you to ask yourself if I am a monster, a racist who wants poor people to suffer and die, and who spends every waking moment trying to figure out how to keep people of color from voting or succeeding in life. I am sure I am not the only person you know who voted for Trump. Are all of us monsters?

“And if we are not, please ask yourself why the Democrat Party, from the President of the United States down to the lowliest poll-watcher at your local precinct, feels the need to demonize people like me and my wife and my parents every single day and mischaracterize us as racist, sexist, gay-hating xenophobes who hate everybody who isn’t white?”

Why indeed?

Chris Pandolfo is a staff writer and type-shouter for Conservative Review. He holds a B.A. in Politics and Economics from Hillsdale College. His interests are Conservative Political Philosophy, the American Founding, and Progressive Rock. Follow him on Twitter for doom-saying and great album recommendations: @ChrisCPandolfo.

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