Mark Levin to Trump: FIGHT BACK against Schumer’s Comey hypocrisy

Blaze Media PR
Conservative Review
2 min readMay 10, 2017

by: Chris Pandolfo

Tuesday night on the radio, Conservative Review Editor-in-Chief Mark Levin had some simple advice for the Trump administration: FIGHT BACK!

After President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey during an FBI investigation into the alleged ties to Russia in the Trump campaign, liberal Democrats in government, and in the media are throwing a fit. Accusations of “cover-up” are flying from the Left and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., is calling for a special prosecutor.

“Mr. President, you guys need to go on offense,” Levin said. “You need to take on Chuck Schumer immediately and call him out for his hypocrisy, for his politicization of law enforcement, for his effort to undermine the election results. You need to turn the political guns on him and DO. IT. RIGHT. NOW!”


Levin also went after the Republican leadership and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s loud silence on the Democrats’ hypocrisy.

“Has anyone heard from the Republican leadership?” Levin asked. “I haven’t heard from these idiots!”

Sen. McConnell, R-Ky., has said little about Comey, other than promising a “full, fair, and timely confirmation process” for whoever the president nominates to replace the outgoing FBI director. Senator John McCain, R-Ariz., said he was “disappointed” with Comey’s firing and is reiterating his call for a special congressional committee to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election.

“Comey was fired, frankly, because he’s a loose cannon,” Levin said. “Democrat, Republican, it doesn’t matter — he’s a loose cannon. He’s assuming authority he doesn’t have. He’s making decisions that were supposed to be decisions by the Obama Justice Department.”

Why does Mark Levin have to be the one explaining why Comey was fired? Where is Republican leadership? Where is the Trump administration?

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Chris Pandolfo is a staff writer and type-shouter for Conservative Review. He holds a B.A. in politics and economics from Hillsdale College. His interests are conservative political philosophy, the American founding, and progressive rock. Follow him on Twitter for doom-saying and great album recommendations @ChrisCPandolfo.

