Sofia Concept
Sofia Online Journal
Nicolas Duc approached me about an online journal he wanted to start. Just something to collect the various articles he’s written over the past year. I thought this would be a good opportunity to use an idea I’ve been eager to test. To create a site with a single button as navigation.
Nicolas named the project Sofia so I threw together these quick mockups to illustrate what a single button page could look like. The articles are abstracted through images instead of titles like most other blogs or online journals. The goal being hopefully curiosity will lead you to an article through the photo as apposed to its skilfully crafted title. By hovering on the title the text is exposed.
The Sofia button takes you back to the overview. Click it again and it opens an about page etc. Functioning more like a slideshow clicker than what we are otherwise accustomed to.
As the project progresses I’ll keep posting updates on this article. Feel free to let me know what you think of the concept thus far and if you like the dark vs light background shown above and in the mock below.