5 Ways to Make Your Morning Commute the Best Part of Your Day

Set your day up for success

Donovan Michel
Consistency Matters
3 min readMar 3, 2024


Photo by Patrycja Olszak on Unsplash

The good ol’ morning commute.

I am an upcoming 9–5er and what better way to introduce myself to the working world than to write an article about commuting.

A long commute can be a hassle in the eyes of many.

However, there are plenty of ways to pass the time and actually enjoy the time alone in the car.

Let’s dive right in.

#1 — Podcasts

There are tens of thousands of podcasts out there.

Podcasts can be a great way to pass the time on your commute to work.

My favorite way to listen to podcasts is through Spotify.

There are likely podcasts on your local radio stations too.

#2 — Prayer

I am a man of faith in Jesus Christ.

I love spending time praying on my way to work.

No music. No background noise. Just God and me.

Do I close my eyes when I pray in the car?


That would be dangerous and there is no need to anyways!

I like to pray out loud as if I were talking to a friend in the car.

Prayer is a beautiful way to connect with God and tell Him what’s going on in your life.

It’s also a great way to cast your anxieties onto Him as well.

#3 — Praise

Give thanks for what you have.

Even if you aren’t religious, there is always something to be thankful for.

Giving thanks is a great way to set a positive tone for the day.

#4— Perspective

Reflection can be a great habit to implement into your routine.

  • What things still need to get done this week?
  • Have you spent enough time with the people you love most?
  • Have you accomplished everything you wanted to get done this week?

Slowing down to reflect on life’s events can be very beneficial for your mental health.

#5 — Phone Call

Photo by Onur Binay on Unsplash

That’s right!

It’s time to get out your phone and call a friend or family member.

“But nobody else is awake!”

Not true!

There are plenty of people who are awake while you are commuting to work.

In fact, one of your friends is likely ALSO commuting to work and would love to have a conversation with you.

Just make sure you are driving safe while talking on the phone. I recommend putting your phone on speaker and having it on the seat next to you while driving.

Final Thoughts

Setting a positive tone to start your day is essential.

Taking 5 minutes to do any one (or more than one) of these things will set a great tone for the day.

Doing this routine consistently could change your life for the better.

What are your thoughts on this list? What would you add? Let me know in the comments! :)



Donovan Michel
Consistency Matters

Donovan is a financial coach helping everyday people with personal finance. Learn more about Donovan's coaching here: https://linktr.ee/donovanmichel