How to Train Your Mind To Write Every Single Day?

Brunda Sunil
Published in
4 min readJul 28, 2020
write daily, black and white, MEDIUM publication
Photo by Luca Laurence on Unsplash

This morning, I went out of content ideas, in fact, I had no clue as to what I would write or create. To me, creation has always been a work of a peaceful mind. But not every day, I’m sane and peaceful to create. How many of you agree with me?

Yes, there are days when we want to achieve it all and days that are submerged with emotions of fear and guilt and unworthiness. Are we all like that, or is it just me?

This question led me to read articles of bi-polar disorder and every other mental illness that could ever exist! So, guess what? All of us, you, me, and the guy next door, we all have varying emotions that are influenced by the external situations and the inner turmoils. Every day, an average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts. Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before and about 80% are negative.

Wow, that is eye-opening and so depressing. Why would we spend time repeating and creating negative scenarios in our heads, right? We grumble about how we are stuck in our lives without changing our perception towards it! So, essentially we can change our lives depending on how we condition our thoughts!

So, for me, I highly believe in mental and physical balance. Hence my career and goals are inherently dependants on what I eat, how I work out, and how to meditate.

As my field is writing, both content and creative forms of it. This article comprises of how you can train your mind to write daily!

1. Meditate

The mental platform is highly agile and vulnerable, you need to calm the waves through a breathing exercise. I highly recommend 10 minutes of meditation to every person and if your busy, you need to extend it to half an hour daily!

Because you are the creator of your life to a certain extent, just don't resort to existing, live every moment, feel every breath.

You might complain as to how to stop a million thoughts that flow while meditating. I recently found the answer to it and I have been practicing.

  1. Inhalation- A deep inhalation while concentrating on the top of your head.
  2. Exhalation- A deep exhalation while bringing the focus from the top of your head to the tip of the toe.

This is a guided meditation that I do through the Sadhguru app. You can follow any guided meditation that vibes with your energy.

2. Keep a Journal

I keep an emotional journal that helps me ward off any uncertainties and helps me find balance in life. This journal is a private one and has my deepest concerns and astonishingly the answers to all the questions! So, this habit will keep the writing going on and your mind more creative.

3. Make the world your library

Yes, if you need creative ideas and you want to go after your goals, then find a lesson in everything around you. I don’t prefer cooking which is done over four times at my place. But, most of the time, instead of grumbling, I find ways to describe the action, the peeling of a potato to the boiling of the water. My creative fiction front would be working as I create a character while I’m cooking or cleaning.

So I make sure that my focus is on writing no matter what I’m doing. I make the world my library.

I’m not yet proficient, but I find these to be highly beneficial ways to better myself!

4. Create daily prompts or follow some

There are many pages on Facebook or blogs that are essential for helping writers overcome their writer’s block by providing them daily prompts to write. This is just to trigger your creative part of the brain. You can always follow these pages or better, create a group yourself, and brainstorm ideas that can be converted into articles.

5. Time-Blocking

This is one of the most efficient ways to actually keep up with the writing habit.

Schedule an optimal time in your day, where there is less disturbance and start writing. Write whatever you want, as long as your fingers are running on the keyboard, you are fine. But that slot of one hour or so, keep away social media, lock your doors, and sit down to write. Only then you can write daily. It has to become a habit like brushing your teeth, effortlessly and every day.

6. Five Minutes Rule

You are going to fool your brain into writing, most of the amazing works and artists are still unknown to the world because of their inconsistency at their skills. Make sure, during the scheduled time-block period, tell your mind that you are going to just dit and write for five minutes. Then, if you do it successfully, I guarantee that another hour you won’t budge. Because it if often the inefficiency to start that lay most of the writers away from success.

7. Make Work Your Relaxation

You know, it’s not how much you earn that matters, but how you earn it, how well you live your life alongside your work is important. If you are able to wake up to a good day every day and look forward to it. Then you are successful. Keep writing to stay relaxed because when you complete the work at hand, your confidence increases, and the hormone called dopamine in the system increases that give you an amazing feeling.

I look forward to writing every day.

If you want to write for “Consistent” Publication, then got to the “Write For US” page and submit your work. We just want people to reach their dreams by showing up everyday.



Brunda Sunil

Senior Content Writer and content strategist. I help small businesses and bloggers to rank on google’s first page- Content Marketing Strategy & SEO.