This Morning Routine can Change Your Life!

Brunda Sunil
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2020
Photo by Dex Ezekiel on Unsplash

Are you a morning person?

We all are, so chill, even if you wake up at 11, you can still follow a routine! Provided you are not in a hurry!

A few months ago, I was in a phase where anything positive would bring about a sense of retardancy in me. I was in the depression mode. We all have days that are bad, good and that entirely sucks! My everyday was in the third category. No, nothing bad happened with the circumstances nor was it the people that affected me. It was me. My mind and the innumerable strings of anxiety, guilt, sadness tethered to it!

So, I started reading a lot of motivational quotes, rummaged through the book rack, and dived into the personality development books. I felt all of them useless! It is the mindset. It is the mind that your best friend and your enemy. My mind was submerged in the thoughts that took me nowhere, like in a loop. It played a forlorn!

I hope many can relate to this as we often reach the point that makes us sad. But, something changed in a very minute manner, like the tick of the clock needle. It was a new habit!

I hate to say this, but all these affirmation tricks seem robotic if our mind is not stable.

Hence I started my day with a breathing exercise

  1. Inhale- A deep breath while taking my concentration to the top of my head.

2. Exhale- A deep exhalation while taking my concentration to the tip of my toe.

This helped me calm my mind storms and only concentrate on my breath. It is said that breath is the basic string between life and death. You forget to breathe, your body goes limp. It connects your body to your soul.

So never hesitate to include pranayama into your morning routine. You can do this even in the middle of a damn meeting when your boss is screaming at you. It helps.

Then I read the daily affirmations!

I read these on Instagram, so the credit goes to the owner whom I’m not aware of. But these helped me a lot.

  1. Thank you for this new day.
  2. I’m sending love and happiness to each and everyone in this world.
  3. I’m grateful for every person, every experience and every little thing in my life.
  4. I accept myself for who I am without any judgment.
  5. I have the courage and power to change my life.
  6. I believe in the person I choose to become.
  7. What I believe, I am.
  8. What I give to others, I receive back in multitude.
  9. I let go of all expectations, what’s meant for me will find it’s way.

Then take another deep breath, feel the energy changes in your body,and have an amazing day!

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Brunda Sunil

Senior Content Writer and content strategist. I help small businesses and bloggers to rank on google’s first page- Content Marketing Strategy & SEO.