Consonance: Community Roadmap

Oyewale Ademola
Consonance Club
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2018
Consonance at ONE

It’s been a long time yet so short that Consonance set out as a community to bring like-minded people together on the African continent to provide solutions to problems in our space.

There is no better time to embark upon this journey given the pool of talent being discovered on the continent.

Consonance has a goal to bring together young millennials that are committed to their growth and development. Those that believe in Africa and know that if they keep learning and growing, they will be able to take a stand and build Africa together.

A bunch of awesome people doing awesome stuff. It’s a new age, Africa is rising.

We share ideas, resources, information to the end that we become better. The new cell and membership structure should enhance accountability and ensure that no man is left behind.

We are growing, we are getting better and we are getting ready to make a change by solving our problems.

A famous quote we live by is — “The growth of the man is the growth of the nation”. Not only does quote exemplify our mission as a whole, it shows the real truth behind development.

People Investment

(A) Pilot Mentorship Programme

Mid-2017, we ran a mentorship programme that allowed us choose people who demonstrated some level of expertise in a particular domain to share their knowledge with other members of the community.

Some of the technologies we worked with are Algorithms, NodeJS, Python, Web development and Mobile applications development.

We got some level of success on the programme and we are pretty much excited to do another round pretty soon.

(B) Slack Weekly Trainings

We hold some weekly trainings/discussions on our Slack( channels. We choose different topics ranging from hardware, IOT & software to discuss happenings, what to learn and the current state of technology in these fields.

(C) A bold step with Processor

We are running a pilot of a campus initiative that will provide adequate resources and platform for the growth of the community members.

We are running with three main objectives:

  • Provide a resource center to facilitate the growth of the members of the community.
  • Continually engage the community to keep members motivated and actively invested in their growth.
  • Remove the barrier to personal development, collaboration, remote learning or working and access to organizations.

Some key benefits to members include;

  • Stable power and internet access
  • Mentorship, remote internships/gigs
  • Online courses, curriculum and learning resources

We have some exciting partners we are working with and we can’t wait to unveil them to you all.

Our hope is to run bigger and similar programs in the future as we invest in the collective growth of our members and see how this plays out.

(D) Resources, Opportunities and Ideas

We acknowledge that resource sharing is paramount to development and this can be the differentiator in the careers of different individuals. We prioritize this by encouraging community members to share the resources they have and also ask that members state the resources they need at any point in time.

Some people say, “the right opportunity can take you to the next level”, we believe there are a lot of opportunities out there for people who really need them and skilled enough to get them. We strive to connect people with opportunities as much as possible and encourage members of the community to do the same.

“Ideas are everywhere, execution is key” is a quote we have heard so many times and it’s certainly true. We also believe all great things start with an idea and this is a culture we want to promote. Community members are encouraged to be open to ideas, drop ideas, collaborate with people that can get the idea to the execution stage and who knows :)

This is Consonance at ONE and we are excited at what we can achieve together in the future.


