Conspiracy Theories and Teens

Ella Carlson
Olathe West Theories
5 min readFeb 23, 2019

Today there are so many conspiracy theories out there. Some are old like the ones of Area 51 and some are new like this Chuck E Cheese pizza theory. So lets start this off with the fact that conspiracy theories are THEORIES. Therefore, these are not yet proven and are in no way true until evidence is shown. A famous Youtube person, Shane Dawson, often talks over and explains conspiracy theories and how they affect us. Tp dig deeper on the chuck e cheese conspiracy theory, the theory is that the employees place uneaten slices back together after a party or get together there and make a full pizza out of it, then serve it to the next customer. To start this off, chuck e cheese is not a very sanitary or kept up area in the first place, so we shouldn't expect much from them anyways. Even when I was younger, my mom wouldn't allow me to go to friends parties or have my own at chuck e cheese because it is just crawling with bacteria and other viruses. So im just going to forewarn you and tell you it isn't a good idea to go there period. Often employees there are immature and it may not be chuck e cheese itself doing the dirty work, it might just be young employees, who aren't knowledgable of the dangers in re using food. So as I said before, these theories that are thought to be something mystical, might just be stupid teens making bad decisions. There are multiple theories out there but I believe they are just convincing teens that there is this supernatural being, or that completely coincidental things that have happened, weren't coincidental. This is honestly just added stress on teens today who are already worrying about their life and school. They dont need to be thinking about miscellaneous stories that aren't relevant. These days teens spend their time on their phone or on youtube, listening to videoos that discourage us from making good choices (vaping) or conspiracy theories that could negatively affect kids who already have anxiety. Kids never focus on what really matters anymore. Teens dont watch the news enough or read up on topics, and yet the still think the should be allowed to vote, or drink, along with many laws that they believe should be changed. They want to have a voice in how the government should be run, when during the school day they are vaping or smoking weed in the bathroom. We dont want to admit that us teens aren't mature enough to make good decisions, but its a fact. It had been scientifically proven and all you have to do is take a look at our past history. Over and over we see teens make bad decisions, and yes there are few who have matured quickly, but we think we have more rights than we actually should have.It bothers me to see people disrespect adults or peers like we have the right to. We like to think that we should be just as privileged as adults, but the honest to god truth is that they are older and have more years of life than us. Even if they dont act as mature, it is the respectful, mature thing to do to still show respect. Thats an issue we still have, is that we think we can go around arguing and saying disrespectful words like it doesn't matter, and it wont affect the people we say it to. But something we dont realize, is words dig deeper than we think. There is a story I heard the other day. It starts off with a baseball star going to a jail to visit three inmates. He sat down in front of them like a teacher going to lecture to a class. The first one began with “Mister, how did you become so amazing at baseball, what made you where you are today?” The baseball star replied with “ When I was younger, my dad used to take me to the park and he told me if I threw like that, one day I’d be an amazing pitcher.” The second and third inmate looked stunned, while the first one sat there with no emotion on his face. The first one replied “ You know the same thing happened for me, when I grew up, my daddy beat me and told me I’d end up in prison later in life… and look where I am now.” This story shows very much how words can affect us. They dont heal like physical woulds. They dig deeper than blades into our skin and cause damage that can stick with us for decades. This also goes along with how people can change. It is really disappointing to have someone that appears in your life, who begins as supportive and amazing, then who changes as time goes on, for the worst. Personally, when I meet new people, I get attached quickly, and always begin as a trusting friend who wants to see the best in others, but people like me always end up hurt somehow. People who always start off looking for the best in people always get burned in the end. Thats the sad truth. Being both an optimist and pessimist, they both have their perks and downsides. Optimists always look for the best in people and situations, whereas pessimists always see the potential for the worst possible outcome. Being an optimist, I always see the potential people have, I’d like to see them as person that belongs in my life, but thats not always how things work. One fault in a optimist is forgiving too easily. I can not hold a grudge. If someone hurts me and asks for forgiveness, I will forgive them over and over again, and trust me, I know its not a good thing, but it still happens. Yet im almost positive this is the opposite problem for most people. But one thing I have learned, is you have to move on. If someone does not bring out the best in you, you have to be able to let them go. Even if its hard, its the truth, some people just dont belong in your life. They are not always toxic necessarily but they are just preventing you from moving forward. And yes you should always be granted time to heal from letting them go, but eventually, you have to be able to move on, and say im better off without them, even if its not what you believe in your heart at the time, it is okay. Because eventually, you will be okay. Two years later, you will be okay. A decade later, you will be okay. Maybe things hurt at this time in your life, but eventually, you will learn to live, and grow above it.

