Introducing Organizations: Better Organization and Management with DTM App

Constellation Network
Constellation Network
5 min readJun 28, 2023


We are excited to announce the launch of the new version of the DTM app, which introduces a powerful feature called Organizations. With this update, we bring enhanced organization and management capabilities to our users, allowing them to optimize their foot traffic analysis and gain valuable insights for their businesses.

What are Organizations?

Organizations represent a new hierarchy level within the DTM app, designed to provide a structured approach to managing DTM devices. An Organization serves as a collective grouping under which multiple locations can be associated. Each location can have multiple DTM devices linked to it.

Understanding Locations:

Locations are a sub-hierarchy within the Organizations structure. They offer a means to manage and organize DTM devices more efficiently. Each Location represents a physical place in the real world, such as a store, building, or campus area.

All data collected by DTM devices installed at a particular Location is compiled and stored in connection with that Location. This means that even if devices are removed or changed, the historical data will always be associated with the Location.

Why Organize Your DTM Devices?

The Organization/Location hierarchy brings several benefits:

  • Enhanced Management: Categorizing devices under specific Locations within an Organization simplifies their management and monitoring. It enables users to have a comprehensive overview and better control of their DTM infrastructure.
  • Scalability: As businesses grow, adding new DTM devices becomes seamless by associating them with specific Locations within the Organization. This scalability ensures that foot traffic analysis can expand along with the business.
  • Data Segmentation: The Organization/Location hierarchy allows users to segment data by Location or across the entire Organization. This segmentation provides valuable insights into foot traffic behavior in specific areas, enabling users to make data-driven decisions.
  • New Business Opportunities: By gaining a better understanding of foot traffic data through the Organization/Location hierarchy, users can uncover new business optimization opportunities. These opportunities may include improving customer flow, enhancing store layouts, and developing more effective marketing strategies.

Examples of How to Organize Your DTM Devices:

Let’s explore some examples of how different professionals can leverage the Organization/Location hierarchy in the DTM app:

1. Persona: Sophia, the Retail Store Chain Manager

  • Description: Sophia manages a regional chain of retail stores with 15 locations spread across the state. She has a total of 30 DTM devices, two in each store.
  • Goal: Sophia wants to use DTM devices to analyze foot traffic patterns across all her stores to optimize staffing and store layouts.
  • How to: Sophia can set up a single organization in the DTM app representing her retail chain. Under this organization, she can create 15 different locations corresponding to each of her stores. Each store (location) would then have two DTM devices assigned to it. This setup allows Sophia to analyze and compare foot traffic data across all her stores, helping her make data-driven decisions about staffing and store layout optimization.

2. Persona: Alex, the University Facilities Manager

  • Description: Alex is the facilities manager for a large university campus. He has 100 DTM devices installed across various buildings including lecture halls, libraries, sports facilities, and cafeterias.
  • Goal: Alex wants to understand how students and staff use different campus facilities to plan efficient maintenance schedules and potential facility upgrades.
  • How to: Alex can set up an organization for the university, with locations for each building on campus. Each location can then have multiple DTM devices based on the size and complexity of the building. This setup allows Alex to monitor foot traffic for each building separately, helping him plan efficient maintenance schedules and prioritize facility upgrades based on actual usage data.

3. Persona: Julia, the Boutique business strategist

  • Description: Julia is a business strategist who assists small boutiques to optimize their retail spaces. She owns 10 DTM devices that she employs across her 10 different client boutiques.
  • Goal: Julia wishes to structure her devices according to client locations to easily monitor foot traffic data and implement strategic retail adjustments.
  • How to: Julia has the option to set up individual organizations for each of her clients within the DTM app. Subsequently, she can mark each boutique as a location under the appropriate organization. Every location will then have one DTM device allocated. With this arrangement, Julia can smoothly transition between different clients (organizations) and compare foot traffic data between various boutiques (locations). This allows Julia to customize her strategic advice for each client and observe the outcome of her suggested changes.

4. Persona: David, the Professional event coordinator

  • Description: David is a professional event coordinator who orchestrates large gatherings like music concerts and outdoor festivals. He owns 50 DTM devices, which he situates at various points of interest during each event.
  • Goal: David aims to organize his devices according to the event, having multiple devices per location, to capture a view of the crowd flow.
  • How to: David has the ability to create a fresh organization for each event he organizes. He can then classify locations within each event organization corresponding to different zones or areas of interest at the event (such as entry points, food zones, stages, etc.). Depending on the size and the crowd density, each of these locations can have multiple DTM devices associated with it. This way, David can manage and analyze foot traffic for each area of each event separately, assisting him in better logistical planning and enhancing event safety and efficiency.

Leveraging the Hierarchy for New Business Opportunities:

The Organization/Location hierarchy not only benefits individual users but also opens up new possibilities for DTM owners to become DTM service providers. Here are some potential business opportunities that can be leveraged through this hierarchy:

  • Device Leasing: DTM device owners can acquire a fleet of devices that can be leased to retail businesses, shopping centers, and event venues. This arrangement is advantageous for companies that require the technology but prefer not to bear the initial cost of owning, installing, and maintaining the devices.
  • Data Management and Analytics Services: DTM owners can lease devices and provide data management and analytics services as well. They can handle the setup, maintenance, and analysis of data, offering clients valuable information about foot traffic trends and patterns.
  • Consulting Services: DTM owners with extensive knowledge of managing multiple devices across various Locations can provide consulting services. They can assist businesses in optimizing their operations by utilizing insights obtained from foot traffic data.
  • Real Estate Analysis: DTM owners have the option to lease their devices to real estate developers and agents. These devices can be installed in properties that are up for sale or rent, providing potential buyers or tenants with information regarding the foot traffic in the area. This data is particularly valuable for commercial properties, where foot traffic significantly impacts business success.

With the introduction of Organizations and the Organization/Location hierarchy in the DTM app, users now have powerful tools to better organize, manage, and leverage foot traffic data. Whether you’re a retail chain manager, a facilities manager, a business strategist, or an event coordinator, the DTM app empowers you to make data-driven decisions, optimize operations, and unlock new opportunities for success.

More about the DTM
Visit for more information on the Dor Traffic Miner and to purchase a device.

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