Introducing: The Stargazer Wallet by Stardust Collective

Constellation Network
4 min readFeb 16, 2021

Introducing the Stargazer Wallet: A Cross-chain functional Wallet for the future of an interconnected blockchain ecosystem. Simply put, the Stargazer Wallet is a browser extension wallet for holding and transacting your $DAG tokens*.

*It is important to note that the first release of Stargazer Wallet will be limited to storing and sending $DAG tokens only. $LTX and ERC20 support is planned for March 2021.

The Stargazer Wallet was created by Stardust Collective, a decentralized open source organization with members from all around the world, including Amsterdam, Dubai, San Francisco, Singapore and Sydney. The Stardust Collective’s work focuses around producing companion dApps and tools built on Constellation’s Hypergraph network.

Stargazer Wallet will soon be available on Google Chrome Web Store, with plans to add support for other browsers (e.g. Firefox) as well.

Download The Stargazer Wallet Now

Read on below to find out more about what today’s release entails, as well as what’s in store for future releases:

Initial Features

  • Seed Phrase: You can now create a $DAG wallet which, in addition to your private key, comes with a 12 word seed phrase for added security and ease of use. Non-Custodial & Secure: own and control your assets & transactions at all times. Only you can access your private key and seed phrase if they are securely stored. Please remember to back up your seed phrase in a secure manner. At the moment, if you lose the seed phrase, you will lose access to your wallet/tokens for good.
  • Multiple addresses within the same wallet: You can create multiple addresses, with their own unique public/private key pairs, within your newly created wallets. This can serve as an enhanced security feature whereby a user wants to diversify their holdings amongst several addresses within the same wallet, for privacy reasons.
  • Send and Receive $DAG: You can send/receive $DAG tokens to/from an exchange or your existing Molly wallet address. You can also send $DAG in between different addresses within your Stargazer wallet.
  • QR code for ease of use: Send $DAG tokens by simply scanning the generated QR code on your exchange mobile phone application.
  • Transaction History: Keep track of all your incoming and outgoing transactions under the Activity feed.
  • Link to $DAG Explorer to each Transaction: When you click on a transaction in your Activity feed, you can check its status in $DAG Explorer, which will open up a new tab in your browser.

Coming Next

  • Contacts: Do you have a frequently used address which you send your $DAG tokens to? You will be able to add/edit/remove addresses for ease of use.
  • Import single private key account: If you have a wallet with multiple addresses, this feature will allow you to import an individual address, via your private key, rather than importing all the existing addresses linked to your wallet.

Coming Soon

  • Cross-chain compatibility with the Ethereum Network: Store, transact and interact with ETH/ERC-20 tokens. This is the first step to making the Stargazer wallet compatible with multiple chains within the crypto ecosystem.
  • Authenticate for Validator Node Management: $DAG Node Operators will be able to interact with and manage their nodes by authenticating actions on their connected Stargazer Wallet.

Ready to get started with the Stargazer Wallet? Check out the tutorials below. For announcements around future releases, be sure to sign up for our mailing list!

Setting up Your Stargazer Wallet

  1. Download the file:

2. Unzip the file in your Downloads folder.

3. Open up your Chrome Browser and copy/paste the following url into your Chrome Address Bar: chrome://extensions/

4. Click on the Developer Mode toggle button in the top right hand corner:

5. Click on the “Load unpacked” button in the top left hand corner.

6. Select the unzipped chrome folder and now you should see the Stargazer icon in chrome://extensions/

7. To make the extension visible in your Chrome browser — click on the puzzle piece icon next to your other extensions:

8. Scroll down to Stargazer Wallet and click on the Pin icon:

9. You should now see the Stargazer Wallet extension icon in your Chrome browser!


