The Launch of Constellation’s Metagraphs

Understanding the Impact of Businesses on The Hypergraph

Constellation Network
Constellation Network
7 min readNov 9, 2023


With the launch of Constellation’s first subnetwork, or Metagraph (as we call it in the Constellation Ecosystem), we thought we would take a minute to zoom out and share the big picture while also giving you some details on the roll out. Metagraphs serve as organizational lenses, carving avenues for businesses to attract new clientele, enhance visibility, and cultivate stakeholders who engage beyond mere speculation on token value. These stakeholders can gauge a company’s worth through its transparent data and the operational momentum of its ecosystem. Traditionally only infrastructure protocols engaged node operators in validating transactions and mining activity. However, with Metagraphs, as subnetworks, have unveiled the potential to forge ecosystems and expansive networks grounded in immutable value exchange. Armed with web3 tools and transparency, consumers can gain deeper insights into an organization’s health and actively contribute to an economic feedback loop and ecosystem dynamics.

Metagraphs not only provide transparency to the financial aspect of the business (which is common among all cryptocurrencies) but it also provides transparency to the value generation of a company: data collected, inventory built and sold, sales partners, or any other non-fiducial operations that are a part of the business. Creating transparency at a company has come at an immense cost typically requiring full-time staff of analysts to create public-facing reports and prepare data for consumption. While most publicly traded companies are required by law to show this, private companies offer very little transparency into the operations of their business.

Speculation, for both public and private companies, can be offset with data driven results that are on an immutable ledger. This creates a path for sustainable demand and supply of a cryptocurrency which correlates directly with business logic (both revenue and unique data points that correlate to the business operations). Our intention is to make unique metrics, a measurable indicator of the growth of the company, correlated to incentives that activate stakeholder participants. These insights create accountability by companies to all stakeholders. Furthermore, stakeholders in a Metagraph can choose to support the growth of these companies by committing resources to validate those metrics and in turn receive programmatic incentives. This thriving ecosystem participation extends beyond just holding cryptocurrency (or participating in staking campaigns) by encouraging businesses to unlock visibility, auditability, and accountability of business performance. The Hypergraph’s network architecture will pave the way for a stronger adoption of tokenizing real world assets by bridging the asset to auditable business operations.

By leveraging Constellation’s decentralized network and innovative metagraph solution, we’re not just making select facets of our business transparent but are inviting our ecosystem to engage actively by tracking the company’s progress, vitality, and growth while assuming roles as both consumers, observers, and operators. This opens a path to DAOs that have the auditable tools on the business and the currency that activates it. Programmatically, this translates into the ability to establish crypto-based incentives aligned with business logic, thereby amplifying our organizational operations (including resellers and evangelists). The metagraph, in essence, empowers companies to cultivate an ecosystem wherein stakeholders have governance with tools to partake in diverse roles, all converging to support the business.

The Dor Metagraph is the first representation of a “business-on-a-ledger” with a new framework for any company to define their own business logic (data collection, performance, utility, and incentives). Bitcoin built liquidity through mining rewards based on a predetermined algorithm. With Dor, we are defining mining rewards based on dynamic business logic (data that has marketable value). The Dor Metagraph, launching November 13, 2023, will be the first Metagraph that relies on the DTM hardware and the issuing of incentives and rewards in the form of DOR Metagraph tokens. This metagraph connects an infrastructure layer blockchain to real world utility with commercial value and thus further fosters a community that can be a consumer and a resource contributor with auditability at its core.

Dor and The Value of Data

Every business operates on unique metrics that underpin its growth and markers of success. In today’s data-driven landscape, companies harness the power of data not just for internal enhancement but also for external functionalities such as providing valuable analytics. This reliance on data spans various aspects, whether it’s inventory management, sales progress, customer success stories, technical roadmaps, developer commitments, user growth trajectories, or even sophisticated data mining for entities like AI or hedge funds. The Dor Metagraph is set to revolutionize the validation of commercial data in the form of foot traffic and device check-in data, bringing unprecedented transparency to programmatic auditability. This clarity allows both outsiders and stakeholders to monitor a business’s expansion, significantly mitigating reliance on speculation.

Check-in Data

The value of the check-in data allows us to optimize the core piece of technology (internal operations) by providing insight into the uptime and performance of the hardware device (DTM). This is extremely helpful as the Dor ecosystem has built an army of “Datapreneurs” that have placed these devices across brick-and-mortar businesses around the world. This remote and distributed sales team is outside our general purview and thus the data gives us performance insight on our technology stack.

Foot traffic data

Conversely, the act of authenticating foot traffic data carries external value. The data, when compiled and transformed into analytics, offers retailers profound insights for tailoring their marketing strategies and staffing needs. For example, a museum might use foot traffic to determine which exhibits brought in additional museum-goers. Finally, the data can be further sold off to data exchanges where individuals buy data to make predictions on consumer markets and trends.

The Dor Metagraph

The Dor Metagraph can be broken down from a technical place by visiting our developer documents and also the Dor Whitepaper. From an ecosystem perspective, we thought we would zoom in on the incentives and flow of the economy:

DOR Web3 Economy

This utility token is not being sold in any private sale to investors or allocated to advisors or team members.

How the Dor Metagraph works

The Dor Explorer

Through the Dor Metagraph Explorer you can get an idea of the stakeholders, tokenomics, and data that is perceived as marketable value: For more information, please refer to the footnotes below the summary.


Metagraphs introduce a new paradigm and framework for building transparent businesses with web3 tooling and immutable data that correlate to tokenized incentives. They present a way to create operational accountability through auditability of data, marking a significant leap from past practices where cryptocurrency minting via Smart Contracts had minimal linkage to the business beyond token liquidity management, often not reflecting the business’s actual performance.

With Metagraphs anyone can connect data sources to an immutable ledger, the Hypergraph, and tie incentives to key business metrics and indicators that further provide transparency around company operations. Additionally, Metagraphs can activate community members with programmatic governance by hosting nodes that validate those unique metrics all the while earning crypto currencies. Alternatively, builders can simply incentivize data collection to improve external data exchanges with immutable transaction records, attribution, and auditability.

Every company becomes a transparent, uncontested, analytical dashboard. We can evaluate a company with metrics at our disposal and see the impact of particular improvements in real-time (partnerships, technical releases, or revenue).

Ben Jorgensen

CEO of Constellation Network Inc.


Active Sensors: These are DTMs that are live, properly installed, and have sent signed data to the Dor metagraph within the last 24 hours.

Validator Nodes — L0: These are the nodes that live on the metagraph layer 0 and layer 0 hypergraph (three nodes are a requirement for all metagraphs). These nodes earn both DAG and DOR tokens as hybrid nodes.

Total DAG locked: Each Validator Node — L0 requires 250k DAG to be locked. A minimum of three L0 nodes translates to a minimum of 750k DAG.

Validator Nodes — L1: Each metagraph project can customize the number of nodes that are optimal for their use case and metagraph network. These nodes validate data/business logic, defined by the metagraph, and are a great way to attract community participation.

Total DOR locked: Each Metagraph sets a minimum collateral staking requirement for each node. Dor requires a collateral of 1M DOR tokens for each metagraph L0 and data L1 node.

Total Transactions: This is the cumulative total of device check-in transactions and currency transactions created on the network.

Total DOR in circulation: This is the amount of Dor metagraph currency that is in active circulation which includes the amount staked plus any rewards that are mined through the device or the validator nodes.

Total Commissions Awarded: This is the total amount of rewards distributed via the commission system. The Dor metagraph distributes rewards based on a commission system that incentivizes datapreneurs to collect foot traffic data in specific types of locations, such as commercial businesses.

Device Check-ins: This shows information about individual device check-ins and the data that they generate.

DOR Rewards: These are the DOR rewards, defined by the Metagraph, and the corresponding wallet addresses that received those rewards.

Snapshots: Snapshots are the base unit of immutable data on metagraphs and the Hypergraph. In the same way a traditional blockchain is made up of blocks, a metagraph is made up of a chain of snapshots that contain data. Snapshots can be viewed as network progress, with each snapshot adding more data to the chain.

Dor Transactions: Much like any block explorer, this shows a peer-to-peer transaction log of DOR tokens.

