Drywall Texturing Types

Gino Capolino
Construction and Custom Millwork
2 min readFeb 3, 2021


Have you ever noticed that every wall tends to have a particular texture? This happens because different techniques leave certain markings on drywall during the construction process. While it might appear that every wall is different, there are seven different drywall texture types , each with its own aesthetic. Let this serve as your introduction to the categories of textured walls.


This texture leaves a series of rainbow-shaped or circular patterns on the wall. It is obtained by applying drywall compound with a roller, each pass of the trowel creating another line. While it is considered one of the simpler patterns, it’s not always easy for amateurs to master.


Popular with ceilings, this texture resembles a bunch of small, raised bumps. It is advantageous for several reasons. For one thing, it successfully blocks noise from passing between floors. It is also good for hiding imperfections in the ceiling.

Slap Brush

This is the perfect texture for anyone who prefers chaos to order and free form to traditionally-metered poetry. The thin lines visible in this texture are intentionally random, creating an eccentric look that spices up the room’s appearance.

Orange Peel

As you would imagine, this popular texture resembles the peel of an orange. It’s made with a hopper gun, and it results in a pleasingly blotchy aesthetic.


This texture is similar to orange peel but becomes flatter thanks to a final step. A knockdown knife is used to flatten the blotches, giving the wall a rustic, stucco-like look.

Sand Swirl

This texture is just as fun as its name suggests. You can give your wall an otherworldly appearance by adding sand to the drywall compound and applying it in sweeping, swirling motions.

Slap Brush Knockdown

Just as you’d have predicted, this texture is a combination of the previously mentioned slap brush and knockdown methods. It maintains the pleasing chaos of slap brush, but the knockdown knife makes the patterns flatter and crisper. While it requires more effort, this texture looks gorgeous when it’s finished.

With seven different drywall textures to choose from, you will always have plenty of options when deciding on your walls’ appearance.

Originally published at https://ginocapolino.com.



Gino Capolino
Construction and Custom Millwork

Gino Capolino is a millwork & construction expert and the co-founder of Structure NYC, a contracting & custom millwork design firm. http://ginocapolino.net/