Document Control in Construction Project Management

Document control in construction project management is about managing the technical, contracts, manuals, plans and design documents. It also sets out the document control procedures across the construction project. So, document control in construction project management should make it easy, to mange, access, and share key project documents throughout your organization.

The days of storing construction project documents in filing cabinets are long gone. With any construction project management software it should be easy to digitize your documents to store in the cloud for access by anyone from anywhere with a internet enabled device.

Documentation control is the backbone in construction management. You need to have this under control to achieve successful construction project delivery. Improving construction project management document control and workflow ensures you deliver your projects on time. As the complexity of projects grow, you need better transparency for tracking a project’s progress during construction.

Using some flavor of construction project management software means all users can share important documents. All relevant stakeholders can access the relevant information the minute someone updates it. This avoids costly mistakes.

Improving document control in project management gives everyone easy access to relevant parts of the project. This eliminates the need to manually update document systems and communicate changes personally. Needing to constantly communicate workflows and updating paperwork is stressful and time consuming. Law of averages says there is likely to be human error that can lead to mistakes, delays and missed milestones.

Integrating construction project management software for document control into your system means it can share the information everyone needs in a timely manner.

When workflows improve across the whole project, it will run smoothly to construction project delivery. Consider the different areas a project relies on updated information to keep the it on track.

Job site and office intercommunication

Communication between the job site and the office is critical. No more can you rely on a pad or clipboard and a pen to record information. The old days of handwritten notes recorded in the system at the end of the week comes with huge risks. Risks of bottlenecks, delays and mistakes. It may be too late when updated project drawings arrive at the end of the week making changes.

The old way disconnects the construction site with the office. Using handheld devices and a construction management software package, workflows will improve. An onsite foreman can document his reports, capture employee information and take photos in real-time. This gives the office daily progress updates and notification of any problems. The office can upload change orders, RFIs, updated plans and new schedules. Work flows better with a real-time exchange of information keeping everyone information flowing.

General and subcontractor communication

Construction project management document control takes the pain out of waiting for updated information. Subcontractors often have to wait for approvals and other paperwork from the general contractor. This can delay their work on the job. How much do these types of delays cost your business?

Construction management software all documentation in a central database. This is a record of all correspondence between everyone involved with the project. Subcontractors can access the system for the paperwork they need instead of chasing the general contractor. No more frustration or delays. It helps to keep your project progressing to project delivery.

Project manager and accounting department communication

With work flowing well in other project areas, take a look at the work system between the project manager and accounting. Things like needing to enter employee times into the system for payment is time-consuming for a manager. Project management software can deal with this. Employees log on and log off the system from a remote handheld device.

When determining construction project controls and project costs, can you access the information you need? Without good work processes and procedures, you will need to request information from accounting. This is time-consuming both for you and accounting staff. Integrating construction management software with accounting gives access to real-time information. No more disturbing other staff members to get the information you need. You can look it up yourself. It saves a lot of time and frustration.

Saves time and reduces risks

As the complexity of construction projects grow, manual systems no longer cut it. Keeping up with phone calls, emails, paperwork and staff demands takes up valuable time. It reduces productivity and stress levels rise. Instead of working on mitigating risks, you are likely to make mistakes trying to keep up with the document trail.

According to the KPMG 2016 Global Construction Survey 67 percent of all participants said construction project risks were rising. This figure rose to 78 percent when related to construction and engineering organisations. This shows the construction industry needs to find a better way to handle the complexity of projects to mitigate the risks of failure and delays.

Technology is the key. But the construction industry is slow to adopt new technology. Maybe because decision-makers have trouble seeing the value construction project management software brings.

Manual systems reduce your productivity. Instead of being out on the job site, it confines you to the office. Spend time investigating the best construction project management software. With more time on your hands you can spend it on site, working on higher-level tasks to mitigate the risks. Get your documents and work flows organized with construction project management document control.



Raptor Project Management Software
Construction Project Management

RaptorPM is a scalable construction project management software, bringing together project management, risk management, scheduling and workflow management