Tips for construction management safety

Originally published at on June 27, 2017.

Construction safety is serious business with legal and employee welfare implications. During the course of construction management, companies must ensure they take care of their workers. Organizations’ can face criminal charges if they do not comply with occupational health and safety legislation.

Accidents rates can increase on construction sites if safety is not on everyone’s mind. Also, laws are tightening to protect workers in the construction industry. Workers have the right to work in a safe environment, free from the fear of having an injury or worse. While it is a worker’s responsibility to take care of their own safety while on a work site, the employer handles construction management safety. Employers must conduct risk assessments, put risk management policies and procedures in place to guide their workers. Part of that is keeping up-to-date health and safety records, as well as organizational safety processes and procedures.

Construction Risk Management software can help organizations manage risk strategies in compliance with legislation. And, for the safety of all workers and anyone else on a construction site.

Even if you are following workplace occupational health and safety guidelines, there are things you should instil into construction workers. Learn how to practice the management of construction projects with appropriate safety requirements. Some is simple commonsense.

Chemical threats

Correct storage of chemicals is important. Some can react with each when stored close together. Workers must know how to deal with chemicals in accordance with manufacturer instructions and workplace procedures. Disastrous consequences can be the result if a chemical spill occurs. All workers handling dangerous chemicals must have the correct training to remain safe.

Walking the scaffolding tightrope

Walking the scaffolding tightrope while building hundreds of feet up in the sky is not for the faint hearted. It is a dangerous job. Common sense habits working at heights include:

  • erecting scaffold on solid ground stable enough to hold heavy weights
  • do not support scaffold on an uneven surface r try to level the ground out using things like planks or bricks
  • work at least 10 feet away from powerlines
  • do not use weak or damaged scaffold parts
  • do not put too much weight on the scaffold (overloading can cause accidents)
  • ensure there are sturdy guard and toe rails for worker protection
  • ensure the rig is checked by a qualified supervisor at the start of each shift and whenever it moves location
  • immediately replace damaged parts
  • do not use scaffold in storms or when there are high winds
  • keep an eye on your workmates and what is going on below.

Use the right tools for the job

Accidents and injuries can occur when workers try to use the wrong tools for the job. Consider the following when managing construction safety:

  • use ear protection in noisy environments
  • use eye protection when welding
  • do not carry tools by the cord
  • understand and follow workplace safety policies and procedures
  • make a conscious effort to be aware of your surroundings at all times
  • do not use damaged tools
  • use signs to keep non-essential workers out of highly-dangerous operating areas.

Operating heavy machinery safely

Heavy machinery is dangerous if not operated correctly. All people must be trained appropriately. Workers should keep the following in mind:

  • be careful when boarding or getting down from heavy machinery
  • wear appropriate gloves and footwear for the job
  • use a spotter to alert you to hazards in your blind spots
  • make there is enough room to move the machine safely
  • alert people close to the equipment of your intention to move
  • leave enough room to turn the equipment safely (heavy machinery needs more turning space than a light vehicle)
  • be extra careful when maneuvering up and down inclines
  • do not allow unauthorized people use machinery
  • do not leave the keys in machinery when left unattended.

There is no room for complacency on a construction site. Using good construction management safety strategies for risk management will help keep everyone safe.



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