Anonymous Trolls Hate Being Named — Case of Joanne Holmes, Chipping Hill Primary School

James Mills
Constructive Sabotage
10 min readNov 5, 2022
Public photo of Joanne Holmes at Kutis Brasserie, Southampton, Copyright Lighthouse International.

After 10 months of Joanne Holmes assaulting us online at Lighthouse International Group we decided to name Ms Holmes in a post Lighthouse International Group: When Trolls Are Confronted With The Truth in February 2022.

Ms Holmes subsequently sent me an email asking to remove the post because it named her and she accused us of making ‘harassing’ comments. She asked myself and the team at Lighthouse to stop communicating in this way with her when she had been instigating, facilitating and posting hundreds of abusive posts about us and our work at Lighthouse for months! These attacks continue and some of the most destructive comments can be seen on our troll and false accusation register. She was also responsible for revealing the whereabouts of then Lighthouse Chairman Paul Waugh’s family home.

In order to show how we tried to privately reason with Ms Holmes firmly and fairly, I am publishing the email reply I sent on 9th February 2022. This was also at a time when I was heavily involved in preparing our response to the libellous Daily Mail article about Lighthouse International Group for which Joanne Holmes was a source. The Daily Mail has confirmed they have no evidence from their sources and is now being held accountable.

You can also read more about the facts in response to Ms Holmes’s false accusations in the Daily Mail here.

Re: Online posts and commnication


Firstly, I am asking you to never contact me again. You have no right to contact me on a personal thing such as this. Please study what I am writing to you, I sincerely hope that it helps you to see sense and the reality of your email to me as well as your actions from the last 10 months.

Secondly, regarding taking down the post you mentioned, if you take down everything you have ever done on Reddit about Lighthouse and its people with your Reddit Username CreativeWrap919, all the defamatory posts about Lighthouse on Reddit, Quora and LinkedIn as well as the Questioning Lighthouse International Group site I will take down the post you mentioned.

Just from you alone, you’ve contributed 24 posts on Reddit and at least 100 comments which makes you guilty directly and by association; there’s more than 700 pages worth of proof for this! I know because I’ve personally needed to spend hundreds of hours of my own time reading the baseless allegations you and your accomplices have made towards me and those I care deeply about. You are deliberately and maliciously trying to destroy the lives, families and livelihoods of the same people who have helped me through some of my darkest days and quite literally saved my life.

You know of some of these challenges; proven at the very least from your wishes in advance of my mum’s funeral back in May 2020. That was your first-ever personal message sent to me. What changed Jo?

[12:50, 16/05/2020] Jo Holmes: Message removed, but basically was a message sharing how she had been inspired by my response to the loss of my mum. She also wished me the best for my mum’s funeral that week.

Am I still in your thoughts? I’m working very hard to work on my mum’s legacy. She died and no one helped her. I’m taking all of what I’ve invested into myself through Lighthouse and putting it into honouring her. Through what you’re doing, you’re destroying her. She had no chance to make a difference in the way she wanted because of how damaged she was. Please see the picture of what she wanted for our world; an end to fighting and wars, fairness for all.

I’m working every day for this woman, but you care only about yourself. You’re completely selfish. You do not know me, these wonderful people at Lighthouse, my mother, what I’ve been through. You were hardly even here… yet you claim to know so much about who Paul Waugh is and all of us are!

You have been complicit as one of the core instigators of all the dog-piling that’s happened. Just taking your own comments is not enough — we need it all down, if my post is causing you so much suffering then you can extend yourself to do that surely? Given the volume and frequency of your posts, you are one of the ringleaders; you and the rest of your malicious crew.

For instance, you are complicit in someone writing that I (along with others) recruit and invade people’s lives and minds through deception, undue influence and destructive mind control. That’s completely unfounded and even if there was some truth, then I’d want to know so I could learn from this and make things right. This post was written by Reddit User ‘Enough-Reflection-78’ and we have plenty of documented evidence of your association with them in our report. Therefore everything they’ve written you are complicit with; that’s how the law works, not your opinion of how it works.

There are 93 defamatory posts (still being added to) and thousands of libellous comments on Reddit alone that are assassinating our character at Lighthouse in a place online where they can be seen by our family, friends, clients and prospective clients. My first question would be your motivation for having such a vast amount of material?

In addition to that, what you’re saying is that you want me to remove one post with your name on it… yet you and your accomplices have been very happy to support and encourage my and our names to be online as part of a concerted smear campaign for months! What are you doing to take these down?

Why is it that now your name is up there, then suddenly there are different standards? How does that work? Why is it different? Please show me exactly why it ought to be different for you.

I’ve noticed that you don’t like people talking about your pathology because they’re not doctors or clinicians. The reality is that you don’t need to be a doctor to comment on someone’s pathology; all you have to do is look at the behaviour, go look online in relation to narcissism, trolling, dogpiling… and it’s there!

It’s one rule for a troll and it’s a completely different set of rules for another. A troll can attack someone else but then if there’s anything written about them that they don’t like, it’s suddenly unfair! I don’t need to be a clinician to comment on your pathology Jo. I really do encourage you to seek out professional help in relation to this.

Thirdly, regarding the police, the reality is you’ve been harassing us online for the last 10 months… and now you go to the police to report Shaun as a private individual acting on behalf of a company! Firstly this communication with your employer is not being done in his own personal capacity. Additionally, and more concerningly, is that you’re only doing this to pervert the course of justice by attempting to stop him from sharing evidence with your employer of who you actually are. This is illegal Jo! Attempting to pervert the course of justice and lying to the police whilst doing that is illegal. Yet again you are incriminating yourself.

I would seriously recommend you stop lying because you are getting into deeper and deeper trouble. If there was one iota of truth then surely you would be proud to share what you’re doing with your employer? Get the whole school community behind your campaign against the so-called evil cult of Lighthouse and all these nasty people. What an asset to back you up Jo if you are so right and so correct in your assertions?

Your name would be in bright lights as a force for good. And if you were correct Jo, then I would be backing you… because I am appalled by the tyranny of evil, manipulative cults that destroy people’s lives and livelihoods. I would never want to associate myself with such people and an organisation — but if I was, then I would try my best to change that.

The problem is that from what you’re doing, you’re trying to destroy our lives and livelihoods in evil, manipulative and cowardly ways. You aren’t even willing to put your name to your allegations! Why not Jo?!? The problem is that you’ve told so many lies that you don’t even know what the truth is anymore.

On the weekend whilst spending time with my family, my brother-in-law was sharing how he recently needed to come to the aid of a police officer who tried to kill himself by jumping off a multi-storey car park. The pressure of keeping the public safe is immense!! These guys are criticised enough as it is in the media etc without having people use them as a threatening tool for some personal vendetta. At Lighthouse we’ve even had police come round to our own homes to investigate false allegations and they have been embarrassed because of the misinformation they’ve been fed by you and those you have chosen to associate with. I repeat, you are perverting the course of justice through your actions; feeding others your biased and prejudiced story with no balance; omitting key information. There’s no respect for law-enforcement professionals trying to do a good job. Where is your conscience Jo?

Let me remind you it is Paul Waugh and a few others who have their name placed all over Reddit and other places. What about Paul and his family? How much did you consider that when writing what you’ve written online?

Your hatred is blinding you… even when you were given a list of all your allegations, you still couldn’t use it properly and the reason for that is you have no proof.

You’re the person who has done wrong and you’re the one squealing when it’s your name in a blog post that is actually factual; based on your actions, not hearsay, and therefore true. What I’ve written are not some malicious falsehoods or half-truths intended to mislead and misinform. You and your co-conspirators are all the same; as soon as the shoe is on the other foot, and it’s starting to get tighter, you start to squeal! Your posts have instigated hundreds, if not thousands, of hateful comments towards me and towards us. The evidence is there for all to see. It’s exactly the type of hypocrisy that makes me completely understand why Lighthouse would approach your employer. Because if you could do this to me, how can children be safe from your double standards at the very least?

Another thing I want you to know is that Shaun Cooper went back to the police and wrote a long letter laying out the situation in relation to you. You know what they said about your allegations to them? Groundless allegations!!

You have no idea how much trouble you are in Jo. Seriously, a little online thing and that’s upsetting you; wait until you see what is coming your way! And you teed all this up yourself despite all our warnings not to be so foolish… you and your friend Richard Thomas. Look at each other very carefully, you see that as a person in front of you; that‘s the sort of person your mother would’ve warned you about as a child. I can imagine you wind each other up so badly, believe your own nonsense so much, and then you incriminate yourselves. You’ve cited publicly (proof below) that you’re all for free speech, but freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences as you seem to believe!

Source: Reddit

Your email to me shows how resistant you are to look at yourself; otherwise you would’ve come back to me saying to me something along the lines of, “Wow! James, I read your post and I couldn’t believe what I’ve written online about you and everyone. I was embarrassed to have my name associated with such vengeful and disrespectful comments. It felt very different reading those words compared to writing them. I am so sorry, what can we do to make things right?”

You’re supposed to be a teacher Jo, I was so excited about you joining Lighthouse; to become a shining example for the teaching profession and now it’s with a heavy heart that I need to be writing this email to you. Ten years ago I personally set out a vision for us to have an inspiring teacher in every classroom because that’s what humanity needs, that’s what our children need… and rather than developing yourself to become the most inspiring teacher possible, you’re writing hateful nonsense online to break me and us down and our children. You came to Lighthouse to supposedly help children, but it seems to be all about you… now you’re destroying people’s lives through this. Again this behaviour speaks volumes about your pathology. These are very real hopes, dreams and aspirations of good-hearted people you’re attacking Jo… please wake up!!

So if you want the post taken down; clean up your act… there’s still a chance, but not if you carry on the way you are.

I have a right to put that up there; to help you and others come face to face with what you have done to us. I and we need to warn people about you! This is because what people like you do when things don’t go your way or you’ve decided you have made your mind up about someone; you go online and try to destroy their lives. That is who you are. I’m just holding the mirror up to you and your behaviour based on evidence, not hearsay… do you know the difference? Because your actions suggest you don’t!

So people need to be warned about you; not to be taken back by the little schoolteacher facade. They need to know that you would try to ruin their lives online for over 10 months if they did something you didn’t like or didn’t suit your view of life. That’s the pathology we are dealing with here. This is the animal we are dealing with here. People have a right to know that.

So in closing, clean up your act, and I will take the post down. Demonstrate it in word, deed and attitude and we have a deal.


James Mills

Associate Partner | Lighthouse International Group

Co-Founder | Learning From Legends

Empowering Ordinary People to Achieve Extraordinary Results



James Mills
Constructive Sabotage

Helping Conscientious People Overcome The Obstacles To Realising Their Human Potential In Order To Become Benefactors