***New Report Available***

Consultant Office
Consultant Office
Published in
1 min readNov 15, 2016

A new report is available in the reports section that will help you close out your fiscal year.

Simply click on the “reports” button from your dashboard bar and then choose the “Delivered/Undelivered Items” report. Here’s what that will look like.


Once you’re there you’ll be able to set the filters to view only “Delivered,” “Undelivered,” or both. You can set the date range for further accuracy. Here is what it looks like once you’ve opened the report.


Use this report to make sure you’ve gotten all the products actually delivered to your customers and marked them delivered on your invoices so that your inventory numbers are correct. As always let us know if you have any questions by clicking the little blue question mark bubble at the bottom of the screen when you are logged into Consultant Office. Enjoy!

