The complete list of articles we advise you to read!

Consulting Academy
9 min readMay 22, 2019


You may wonder how you can prepare yourself for the personal fit and case interview. Struggle no more! In this article, we list the 5 steps you should certainly follow in order to master your interviews.

Use this page as a table of content and make sure you go through every single article listed below. Good luck!

1. Your Resume And Cover Letter

First things first, you need to know what firms you are looking for, how to present yourself through your resume and cover letter, what pitfalls you should avoid and how to strategically organize your interviews in order to get an offer from your dream company!

4 Traits Top Firms (Officially) Look For

Consultants look for individuals they can work with on a daily basis. These candidates all have 4 key traits in common. Knowing them will improve the way you present and sell yourself.

3 Traits Top Firms (Unofficially) Look For

The consulting firm’s clients want to know the best guns are working for them. Consulting firms will naturally favour candidates that have a combination of 3 traits that make them stand out.

Make A Great Resume In 4 Steps! (FREE step-by-step Guide)

There is a way to write and design your resume. In this article, we review how you can optimally present your achievements in a conclusive and impactful way.

10 Tips To Make Your Resume Stand Out

Only a few of elements differentiate a poor resume from a great one. We make sure you know about them.

3 Mistakes To avoid On Your Resume

What you should avoid under all circumstances on your resume.

Write A Powerful Cover Letter In 3 Steps!

We review the structure of the cover letter and take a deep dive into each section.

5 Tips For A Great Cover Letter

We look at the elements that differentiate an outstanding cover letter from a good one.

5 Key Elements To Avoid On A Cover Letter

There are lots of things consultants want to see on a cover letter and only a handful few they really hate. We make sure you are aware of these.

Plan Your Interviews Like A PRO

All of us have a certain company in mind we really want to work for. In this part, we develop a strategy you can deploy in order to make that happen!

2. Prepare For The Personal Fit

Great consultants do their homework by gathering and analysing information about their clients. Great candidates should do the same. In this part, we’ll review what consulting firms want to test through the personal interview and how you can prepare yourself.

3 Fundamentals Of The Personal Fit Interview

Consulting firms are looking for a set of 3 elements during the personal fit interview. These are reviewed here.

3 Things Firms Want To Know About You

The interviewer wants to know certain things about you. In this article, we make sure you are aware of your personal stories, your strengths and weaknesses as well as much more.

Due Diligence: 3 Things to Know

The best candidates conduct their due diligence and have a precise idea of the firm they are interviewing at. We’ll help you structure your research and become that great candidate.

10 Things Only Great Candidates Do

The whole interview process is demanding and may overwhelm you. We worked out a set of 10 principles that helps you sail through your interviews.

3. Fit Interview Questions

By now, you should have gathered information about the firms you want to apply for. You should also have conducted a review of your personal traits. Time has thus come to review the questions you will have to answer during the fit interviews. Hold your horses! Don’t try to answer them just yet — in the fourth part we help you design your answers.

3 Key Questions Great Candidates Ace

These are 3 key questions you can be sure you will be presented with. There is a way and a manner to answer these.

Firm specific questions

Each firm has some specific elements they are looking for in candidates. We review these differences and help you answer the firm specific questions for McKinsey & Company, Bain & Company and Boston Consulting Group.

70 Key Consulting Interview Questions

Interviewers might come up with an endless variety of questions. We review the 70 most common ones. You’ll see that there are big overlaps between all of them and that it is fairly easy to answer whatever question is thrown at you.

4. Structure Your Answers

All the questions we covered in the previous part can be and should be answered using one of these two methods: “STAR structure” and “3 Words”. Once you master these two methods, you’ll be able to quickly and efficiently gather your thoughts and formulate high-quality answers.

STAR: Ace Your Consulting Interview Questions

This stands for Situation, Task, Action, Result. The STAR structure enables you to answer questions that require you to tell a story or explain a certain situation.

Build Convincing Answers With Just 3 Words

Consultants love to present information by means of 3 bullet points. When you need to convey a message, share an idea or answer an open-ended question, you should make use of the 3 Words method.

5. Approaching The Case Interview

Now that you perfectly know how to build convincing answers, we get into the main part of the consulting interview: the case. We start by introducing the general aspects of the case interview and cover the two main interview styles.

Interviewer-Led And Candidate-Led Cases: 5 Differences

Interviews at leading consulting firms most often look the same. However, one should be aware that some firms expect the candidate to lead the case while other expect their candidates to be led by the interviewer.

6. Theoretical Case Knowledge

Before we jump into more specific details, we discuss in more details the different case formats one will probably encounter, we dive into some key business concepts and review some industry insights one should be aware off.

10 Most Common Case Formats

Consultants often deal with the same problems over and over for different clients. The same is true for consulting cases. They are all different but share the same problems and logic!

13 Industry Insights For Consulting

We cover a set of 13 industries you might encounter during your cases. Having some basic knowledge about these will greatly help you!

Learn To “Think Business”

Great candidates have a strong business senses as they are able to make relatively good assumptions and know there the case is heading to. With this article, we help you develop a basic sense for business by encouraging you to consider the business forces at play in every situation.

7. Case Practice

In this final part, we review the structure you should use when tackling a case, we review some tips and tricks one can use and we take a look at the criteria consultants rely on.

Ace The Case Interview In 5 Steps!

Here are the 5 steps you should follow for every single case. Start by structuring the problem, making a first hypothesis, taking a deep dive, develop a solution and, finally, make a recommendation.

What The Interviewer Wants

Now that you have a great structure, keep in mind what the interviewer is looking for throughout the case.

Case Tips

Here is a collection of case tips you shoulw know and mistakes one should avoid at all cost!

4 Case Evaluation Criteria

Most consulting firms require their candidates to go through a set of 3 to 5 rounds. In this article, we explain what the interviewer is looking for depending on the round you are at!

