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Consultation draft — consent management and revocation

CX Workstream
Consumer Experience Workstream
2 min readAug 8, 2019


Dear Consumer Data Right participants and other interested parties,

On July 15 2019, version 0.9.5 of the CX Guidelines were published as part of the Consumer Data Standards (CDS) July 2019 draft update. These guidelines covered the Consent Flow (including a specific focus on Consent, Authentication, and Authorisation).

The Consent Management and Revocation consultation draft builds on the published CX Guidelines by outlining additional guidelines specifically related to Consent Management and Revocation plus supporting examples illustrating their implementation. In particular, the draft includes: proposed dashboard components for consent management as well as a consumer flow for the revocation of consent.

The Consent Management and Revocation consultation draft can be downloaded from the link below:

Providing feedback

How to give feedback

Material from this consultation draft was presented at the CX workshop on consent management and revocation where we have received preliminary feedback from attendees. We are inviting further targeted feedback on this consultation draft, including feedback on the interpretation of the CDR Rules and comments on CX recommendations. You can provide feedback directly on our draft guidelines consultation page or via email to Please include your name and organisation with your feedback as the intention is to publish all feedback on our draft guidelines consultation page.

Where participants believe they have sensitive information to convey we will consider those discussions and give guidance on our preferred disclosure approach prior to meeting to discuss such issues. To discuss such issues please email us at the CDR email address:


The targeted feedback window for the Consent Management and Revocation consultation draft will close on COB Thursday August 22 2019.

Keep in touch

Best regards,

The CX Workstream

