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CX Consent Flow Workshop

CX Workstream
Consumer Experience Workstream
3 min readMay 24, 2019


Dear Consumer Data Right participants and other interested parties,

We would like to invite you to participate in a workshop with the CX Workstream on Wednesday 5 June.

Focus of the workshop

The focus of the workshop will be to review and refine the proposed Consent Flow. The outputs will help frame and inform the decision to be made by the Chair of the Data Standards Body and ACCC as appropriate. The feedback collected and artefacts developed in this workshop will be used to inform the direction of the CX Workstream and facilitate further collaboration.

We are aiming to have broad representation of Data Holders, Data Recipients, and Consumer Advocacy Groups at the workshop to gather input into the Consent Flow from different perspectives. We recommend Data Holders and Data Recipients come prepared to present their respective interpretations of the Consent Flow, which should conform to the ACCC Rules and reflect the API standards.

This workshop will include the following activities:

  • Data Holders and Data Recipients sharing their interpretations of the Consent Flow with the group;
  • Data 61 CX team sharing the direction of our proposed Consent Flow;
  • Identification and prioritisation of key items/opportunities to be addressed in the Consent Flow; and
  • Drawing on the feedback and ideas from participants to refine the Consent Flow together.

Important notes for attendees:

Due to the limited time and space we will not be able include all interested parties in this workshop. Thus:

  • We ask that only 2 participants from each organisation attend. Ideally these participants should be designers or UX team members working on the implementation of the CDR; and
  • Preference will be given to attendees who will be contributing a version of their consent flow which can be shared at the workshop. If you are contributing your version of the consent flow, please send it to COB Monday 3 June.
    As these contributions will influence Consumer Data Standards work, it may be shared publicly. As such we recommend they be stripped of IP and PII and be approved by the organisation you represent.

We also propose the scope of this workshop be kept simple, focusing on the following as defined in the Rules: Consent, Authentication, Authorisation; and with the following assumptions:

  • No consumer de/selection of data clusters;
  • If a joint account: the user has authorisation at the account level; and there is no multi-party approval.
  • No closed accounts;
  • Other flows and more complex scenarios that depart from the straightforward Consent Flow will be out of scope;

Workshop details:

Date: Wednesday 5th June 2019
Time: 9:45am to 5pm (please arrive 10 mins prior so we can start on time)
Location: Data 61, 13 Garden St, Eveleigh, NSW, 2015
Agenda: This will be sent to attendees closer to the workshop date


If you would like to participate in the workshop, please notify by COB Wednesday 29th May so we can confirm the final list of participants on Friday 31 May. With your response please also indicate whether you would be willing to share your organisation’s perspective on the Consent Flow at the workshop.

We look forward to hearing from you and discussing the Consent Flow further at the workshop.

Best Regards,

The CX Workstream

