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CX Feedback Window Closing

Feb ’19 |Consumer Experience Release Package

CX Workstream
2 min readMar 11, 2019


Dear Consumer Data Right participants and other interested parties,

This is just a reminder that the 2 week feedback window for the Feb ’19 CX Release Package will close at 5pm this Friday, March 15th.

You can find this update and the relevant documents in these two locations:

Medium Publication: Feb ’19 | Consumer Experience Workstream

Consumer Data Standards Website: Feb ’19 | Consumer Experience Workstream

Please read the post in addition to reviewing the Phase 1 CX Report, CX Standards, and Consent Flow Prototypes. Links to each item can be found in the above locations.

If you cannot access these documents please get in touch with or the CX Lead, Michael Palmyre for PDF-versions.


The 2 week community consultation period will close on Friday, March 15th at 5:00pm. Feedback received during this time will be considered for incorporation into a first draft of the CX Standards.

You can provide feedback via email, specifying the document, page, and component you’re referring to; via comments on PDFs; or in comments on Google Docs. You can find links to these documents in the locations shared above.

Please provide concise and actionable feedback wherever possible, and focus on the validity of the recommendations and/or the implications of findings and recommendations. We also welcome feedback on the scope of this work, the focus, and the usefulness of these presentations.

Keep in touch

You can sign up to our mailing lists here; find past updates here; and find other information on the Consumer Data Standards website. The other technical workstreams also have an online presence on GitHub.

If you would like to participate in any of our discussions across the four streams or provide any feedback, you can do so via email to

Best regards,

The CX Workstream

