CX Workshop

CX Workstream
Consumer Experience Workstream


Dear Consumer Data Right participants and other interested parties,

We would like to invite you to a Consumer Experience (CX) workshop on the broad topic of consumer control in Sydney on Tuesday 22nd October.

For version 1 of the CDR, the Data Standards allow for the provision of consent at the level of data clusters and meet the requirements of the CDR rules. Consultation and research have indicated that fine-grained control will be needed within the regime. Further consultation on how to accommodate fine-grained control will be undertaken and include further rounds of consumer experience research. This next phase of CX work will commence with a workshop on this topic.

To date, the starting point for discussing the provision of greater consumer control has centred on the concept of ‘fine-grained’ control. One scenario has included consumers having more control over what they share in the Consent Flow, including by having more granular control of the data to be shared. Other scenarios and mechanisms to provide control will be explored in this workshop.

We are aiming to have broad representation of Data Holders, Data Recipients, Consumer Advocacy Groups, and other interested industry representatives. This will provide input on critical issues from different perspectives.

Focus of the workshop

This workshop will generate ideas and directions for how to provide more control to CDR consumers. We are calling for participants to prepare presentations for the workshop to encourage knowledge sharing and cross-sector collaboration. Participants will also prioritise issues/opportunities identified on the day, and collaborate in groups to create concepts and ways forward.

The outputs of the workshop will help frame and inform any decisions to be made by the Chair of the Data Standards Body and ACCC as appropriate. The feedback collected and artefacts developed in this workshop will be used to inform the direction of the CX Workstream and to facilitate further collaboration.


Points where consumers may provide more control could include:

  • Consent Flow
  • Re-authorisation
  • Dashboards
  • Withdrawal

Control could occur by:

  • De/selection at the permissions level (within a data cluster)
  • Amending an established data sharing arrangement (e.g., the duration, use(s), data)
  • Amending access to historical data
  • Pre-determining what is shared on a dashboard


  • What happens if the consumer chooses not to share, or to withdraw, data that is required for the use case?
  • What happens if the consumer amends the period of access to a range that conflicts with the period required for the use case?
  • If the consumer amends an existing consent on a dashboard, are they required to go through the full Consent Flow again?
  • How might re-authorisation requests that provide greater control look?
  • How might they be simpler than the full Consent Flow?
  • How might this impact the quality of consent?
  • Can a consumer pre-determine what is shared (e.g. data types, durations, historical range) on a data holder dashboard and apply this preference by default to all future data sharing requests?
  • How does this work for joint accounts?
  • How does this impact use cases that require certain data/durations?

Workshop activities

  1. Participant presentations:
    We are calling for participants to present ideas, considerations, and concepts relating to consumer control. The morning will be dedicated to presentations from contributing participants. While only a limited number of participants will be able to present on the day, we encourage all participants to come prepared as this will facilitate the ideation activities to follow. Participants can choose the format, but may consider sharing prototypes of certain scenarios or presentation decks outlining issues or scenarios to consider regarding fine-grained control and/or consumer control more broadly.
  2. The CX Workstream will share various scenarios and considerations for consumer control
  3. Participants will identify and prioritise key issues/opportunities to be addressed in relation to consumer control
  4. Participants will ideate in groups based on these issues/opportunities
  5. Group outputs will be structured, presented, and prioritised to help inform further CX research and collaboration

Important notes for attendees:

Due to the limited time and space, we will not be able to include all interested parties in this workshop. Therefore we would like to note the following:

  • We ask that only 2 participants from each organisation attend. Ideally these will be designers working on CDR, but professionals from other areas will also be invaluable.
  • Preference will be given to participants who volunteer to present at the workshop. If you are unable to present on the day, we still encourage you to provide your contributions to the Data Standards Body as these inputs will shape the direction of our work.
  • We will live stream the event on the day for those unable to attend in person.

Workshop details:

Date: Tuesday 22 October 2019
Time: 9.30am — 5pm
Location: Data61, 13 Garden St, Eveleigh, NSW, 2015
Agenda: This will be sent to attendees closer to the workshop date


If you would like to participate in the workshop, please RSVP to by COB Tuesday 15th October so we can confirm the final list of participants on Thursday 17th October.

If you would like to present on the day, please let us know by COB Friday 11th October so we can draft our agenda accordingly. We will need your contributions by Thursday 17th October to prepare for the day.

We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!

Best Regards,

The CX Workstream

