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CX Guidelines version 0.9.5 and Phase 2 research reports published

CX Workstream
Consumer Experience Workstream
2 min readJul 22, 2019


Dear Consumer Data Right participants and other interested parties,

Since the May update the CX Workstream has conducted a workshop on the Consent Flow, completed Phase 2 design and research activities, and developed CX Guidelines.

On July 15 2019, version 0.9.5 of the CX Guidelines were published as part of the Consumer Data Standards (CDS) July 2019 draft update. Contents of the CX Guidelines have been endorsed by the Chair of the DSB and are being further reviewed by the ACCC to determine items that may be elevated to the level of the Rules or authorised as Standards, or to sit at the level of Guidance. Key decisions stated in the API and Information Security Profile update regarding authentication flows, reauthorisation, and fine-grained control are consistent and aligned with the CX Guidelines.

Along with the standards, we have also published the Phase 2 CX research reports. 121 participants were engaged during this phase of research. This phase was split into 3 streams of work with each stream focusing on a particular area of the Consent Model. Building on Phase One research and design activities, Phase 2, along with the Consent Flow workshop and a survey for the data language standards, helped inform the CX Guidelines. Combined with Phase 1, a total of 202 people across Australia and with diverse needs have been engaged in our CX research.

The CX Guidelines and research reports can be downloaded from the links below:

Providing feedback

How to give feedback
We are inviting targeted feedback on v0.9.5 of the CX Guidelines. You can provide feedback directly on our draft guidelines consultation page or via email to Please include your name and organisation with your feedback. Any feedback will be published on our draft guidelines consultation page.

Where participants believe they have sensitive information to convey we will consider those discussions and give guidance on our preferred disclosure approach prior to meeting to discuss such issues. To discuss such issues please email us at the CDR email address:

The targeted feedback window for v0.9.5 of the CX Guidelines will close on COB Wednesday July 31 2019.

Keep in touch

Best regards,
The CX Workstream

