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Live stream of CX Workshop, 7th August

CX Workstream
Consumer Experience Workstream
2 min readAug 6, 2019


Dear Consumer Data Right participants and other interested parties,

The CX Workstream is holding a workshop on Wednesday 7th August focusing on consent management and revocation.

During the workshop we will review and refine the proposed dashboards for consent management (i.e. a data recipient consent management dashboard and data holder authorisation management dashboard) as well as a flow for the revocation of consent.

We’ll be doing this through a series of workshop activities listed in the attached agenda. Remote observers can dial in at any time, but the following times would be the most useful:

  • 9:30am to 10am: Workshop opening and introduction
  • 10am to 11:30am: Data Holders and Data Recipients sharing their interpretations of the dashboard and revocation flow with the group (Note: there will be a short break between 10:35am and 10:55am where there will be no activities on stream.)
  • 11:30am to 12pm: Data61 CX team sharing the direction of our proposed dashboards and revocation flow
  • 1:00pm to 1:30pm: Design issues highlighted by workshop participants will be prioritised for ideation
  • 3:10pm to 4:20pm: Workshop participants will share their alternatives and solutions to the prioritised issues

We’d like to invite you to join our live stream of the workshop. You can observe the activities by joining the workshop stream using the WebEx details below.

Instructions for joining

  • You may join and leave the stream at any point during the workshop
  • When you join, there’s no need to introduce yourself. However, please ensure you mute your audio and turn off your video
  • During the workshop there won’t be any direct interaction between participants in the room and those joining via the stream. If you have any questions during the workshop, or any ideas or feedback you would like to share, please send this through to the CX Workstream via We’ll collate this for review alongside the workshop outputs
  • If you experience any technical issues joining the stream, please contact

To join via your desktop computer or mobile device:

To join via phone only:
Phone: +61 2 6246 4433
Meeting Number/Access Code: 574 635 843

Once connected please remember to mute your audio and turn off your video.

We hope you’re able to join the live stream and hear the discussion around consent management and revocation at the workshop.

Best Regards,

The CX Workstream

