May ’19 | Phase 2 | Update 2

Consumer Experience Workstream Update

CX Workstream
Consumer Experience Workstream


Dear Consumer Data Right participants and other interested parties,

The CX Workstream will be providing informal updates on Phase 2 design and research activities to keep you in touch with what we’re doing and where we’re going. We’re currently conducting the first round of research for Phase 2.

The three streams of work we have under way are:

Stream 1 by GippsTech
• Consent Flow
• Preliminary considerations for joint accounts and cross-sector sharing

Stream 2 by Greater Than Experience, ThoughtWorks
• Consent/authorise management dashboards
• Revocation flows

Stream 3 by Tobias
• Proposed authentication models
• 90 day notification
• Re-authorisation flows


Last week’s updates from each agency can be found below:

Stream 1

What we did
• Participant shortlist for research
• 3x Consent Flow prototypes developed to explore various data sharing scenarios
• Discussion guide creation and session planning

What we found out
• There is difficulty in balancing the need to be explicit and clear about what data sharing means without overwhelming people with information
• There is a risk that participants will focus on the details of the prototype and session, which may detract from the broader concerns around data sharing

• Accessibility is not emphasised enough in our design system; we need to proactively work to improve that
• The language being used needs to be examined; it is currently jargon heavy and even terms like ‘Consent’ may create barriers to comprehension for some participants

What’s next
• 15 research sessions scheduled for this week: 4 face-to-face sessions and 11 sessions over remote conferencing
• Synthesis and analysis of participants’ insights as they come.

Stream 2

What we did
• Built context for the ACCC Rules; developed an understanding of Data Trust by Design; and examined pre-existing approaches to consent based data sharing globally
• Developed a real life (operational in the UK) use case
• Developed data holder and data recipient dashboard prototypes where consumers manage and revoke consent
• Built session script and guide for research sessions

What we found out
• The speed at which this initiative is progressing towards the first implementation is a challenge for all involved. Data61 and other Government agencies have been working closely with us to clarify areas of uncertainty where possible
• There is significant momentum on a variety of person-centric approaches to data sharing globally that can directly contribute to the development of the Consumer Data Standards

• Using a consent-based design system to develop a divergent (outcome-focused) approach to the design of consent-based data sharing flows across the streams
• Active collaboration with relevant ecosystem stakeholders and CDR/CDS working groups to better identify gaps and challenge our perspectives
• A greater focus on individuals and how they, enabled by the Consumer Data Right, can become central to the high-trust data ecosystem we are trying to progressively establish

What’s next
• Putting the prototypes to the test within a simulated situational context (a high-value use case for individuals and businesses)
• Conducting initial analysis on research outputs
• Developing a preliminary point of view
• Planning for round 2 designs and research

Stream 3

What we did
Stream alignment workshop
• Recruitment and preparation for the first round of research
• Cross-stream alignment and internal review

What we found out
•The pace of the program makes time one of the biggest constraints for prototype development, review points, and general alignment
• Having a single defined way to present data clusters may not work for all scenarios, e.g. one scope being requested vs 6
• The Redirect with Known Channel authentication flow will no longer require the user to return to the original device/session to be successful

While pagination may work when requesting a few scopes, having ‘accordion’ menus may be more appropriate when more scopes are requested. Given other streams are testing the pagination option for fewer scopes, we will test the accordion option with more numerous scopes

What’s next
• First round of research
• Continue recruitment for round two
• Ongoing analysis and synthesis

We’ll provide another update after this week’s sessions that will include the tested prototypes and preliminary findings.

Keep in touch

Best regards,
The CX Workstream

